

- April 29, 2018
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The power of Afrikan unity

Afrika and her people: Afrikans must unite to move forward:
the glory of Afrika will manifest not when each Afrikan nation stands alone, or tries to compete with the other: in the end being picked one after the other and levelled down by the colonisers:

The power of Afrika will be realised by the unity of Afrikans:  that is the unification of all our hearts, minds, energies, wisdom, lands, govts, wealth and all that we have we share.

The United Afrika is the free Afrika;
The Divided Afrika is the colonial Afrika:

No Afrikan nation can be or remain free alone, ask Nkrumah he will tell you of Ghana, ask Gadafi he will tell u of Libya, ask  Sankara he will tell u of Burkina  Faso (land of the upright) the list goes on till u name every Afrikan state: not one is free or can be till we are united.

The unification of Afrika will make the colonisers know that Afrika is no longer a colony, but a renewed force that can withstand any force on earth. This is because:

The unification of Afrika will unite the thousands of Afrikan voices speaking individually into one singular amplified voice heard and feared all over the world.

The unification of Afrika shall take the many govts of Afrikans that are seen as servants to colonisers, and give us one govt that commands the respect of all.

The unification of Afrika will destroy the attention of Afrikans on foreigners and make us centered on Afrika; therefore it will destroy our dependency on foreign goods, services, ideas and institutions and force us to redevelop out own.

The unification of Afrika will boost Intra-Afrika trade, which will boost Afrikan productivity by connecting the third largest world population together (Afrika has about 1.3b people).

"If Afrika's multiple resources were used in her own development, they could place her among the world's most developed continents. But her resources have been and are still used for the greater development of overseas interests."
Kwame Nkrumah quote

The unification of Afrika shall also make Afrika a very powerful market player in determining the price of our resources whether oil, gold, diamonds etc as we have about 40% of world resources in Afrika..
So we shall determine terms of trade to our own conditions and advantage as Dr. Nkrumah told us, unlike what we are seeing in a divided Afrika to our disadvantage.

The unification of Afrika will give us one powerful currency backed with our resources as Gadafi proposed. This shall give the world economy to us because most of world's resources are sourced from Afrika. The currency will also be powerful because atleast 1.3 billion Afrikans will be using it. We shall also be using it in online transactions rather than the dollar dominance.

The unification of Afrika will give us military power by the unification of Afrikan army into one single Afrikan High Command for the defense of our territory from internal invasions while the different Afrikan states build strong police forces to protect Afrikans at home.
The Afrikan army will give us enough military might to destroy any internal and external threat to Afrikan peace and progress.

The unity, cooperation, justice, leadership, peace and progress that we will see in the true unity of Afrika shall totally remove the dependency on foreign Presidents and boost self-confidence among Afrikans;

It will restore the pride in being black ;

"Real black freedom will come only when Afrika is Politically united. It is only then that the black man will be free to breath the air of freedom, which is his to breath in any part of the world."
Kwame Nkrumah Quotes

It will make us ready to sacrifice for Afrika.

The United Afrika shall will push up the strength to ask for and get the restoration of Afrikan history, Afrikan Culture as well as lands, legacies etc stolen from we the people of Afrika;

“The day will come when history will speak. But it will not be the history which will be taught in Brussels, Paris, Washington or the United Nations…Afrika will write its own history and in both north and south it will be a history of glory and dignity”.
Patrice Lumumba Quotes

Once Afrika becomes united nobody can fight against any state of Afrika as it is with the divided Afrika because every Afrikan state shall be protected As ONE COUNTRY: THE UNITED AFRIKA so a threat to any Afrikan state shall get a war from ALL AFRIKA;

“Afrikan unity and solidarity are no longer dreams. They must be expressed in decisions”
Patrice Lumumba Quotes

The United Afrika will bring an end to the isolation and sanctioning (divide and rule) of Afrikan states like Zimbabwe suffered, because any attempt to sanction any Afrikan state would be a sanction attempt on the United Afrika and all Afrika shall respond by sanctioning back fire for fire;

"When Afrika becomes Politically and economically united, then monopolists will clash with the working class of their countries, and a new struggle will arise within which the liquidation and collapse of imperialism will be completed."
Kwame Nkrumah Quotes

The United Afrika shall make every Afrikan know what is going on in every part of Afrika and to respond to the needs of all Afrikans worldwide: becoming true Afrikans;

The United Afrika will unite our resources together, cut the cost that exists in each Afrikan state owning her own embassies, satellites, armies etc alone
With our unity we shall have enough money, wisdom, personnel to collectively build and own the biggest and best carriers, social media platforms, universities, embassies, technology etc
We shall go beyond the earth and launch satellites, build spaceships and tour the universe from the front;

When Afrika unites, all debts owed by Afrikan states shall be addressed favourably to Afrikans.

The United Afrika will mark the end of colonialism in Afrika Once and for All;

All the huge wealth leaving Afrika shall be trapped and made to circulate within Afrika for the Prosperity of All Afrikans;

The United Afrika shall be respected and feared all over the world by all nations as the rebirth of the golden age of Kemet.

Afrika should unite;
Afrika Must unite;
So much power in Afrikan Unity;
Afrika, Unite!!!

Eze Chimere Nwauzo
Chairman of OAF
(One Afrika Family Organization)
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