
The True Image of Afrika: What Afrika Is What Afrika Is Not!!!

- April 17, 2018
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What Afrika Is and what Afrika is not...

There are a lot of misconceptions about the true image of Afrika that there is hardly any right picture of Afrika, and hardly any positive view of us apart from some emotional and paltry recommendations. But the true, heavy realities of Afrika which are now existing in ideas only have been thoroughly hidden in lies.

If the critics of Afrika get the right picture of Afrika they will respect Afrika and the Afrikan people, if the Afrikan people get the picture right we shall respect Afrika, respect ourselves and make Afrika great again.

Afrika Is Not A Farmyard
Afrika is not the agricultural base of the world, Afrika is the technological base of the world.
Was it agriculture that Egypt is known for, is it agriculture that Nubia or punt is known for. Kemet (Egypt) used technology to harness the overflow of the Nile and that was it, agriculture was conquered, then science and technology was taken to a scale that till today, some feats we achieved thousands of years ago remain unbeaten.

Afrika will regain the lost glory we enjoyed by making education, science and technology the key focus of the united Afrika, with that we shall control all the fields of life and be in charge in the world once again.

Afrika Is Not The Third World; not the poor, backward Continent that looks cursed:

"...the critics of Afrika forget that men of science today are satisfied with the fact that Afrika was the birthplace of humanity, and for thousands of years Afrika was in the forefront of word civilization" quote by archaeologist Dr LSB Leakey."

From the above quote u can see that Afrika was ahead of the world for thousands of years, but we only see Afrika the way it has been for hundreds of years and think that Afrika has always been poor, no, Afrika Is the birthplace of both humanity and civilization and for thousands of years was ahead. The so called western or Greek civilization is a stolen legacy, it is the Afrikan civilization or Kemet or Egyptian civilization, let everyone take note.
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Afrika Is Not The Dark Continent
Afrika is neither the "dark continent"  nor "the only part of the world which civilization has yet to come", no, Afrika is the greatest blessing to the world, if the world should do away with the influence of Afrika there would be no written language, block houses, science and technology in the world apart from in Afrika.

Afrika Is Not The Land of Tyrants
Afrika is not the land of tyrants, it was colonialism that instituted tyranny in Afrika, Afrika is the home of the greatest kings and leaders of the world. The pharaohs of Egypt are unrivalled in leadership in the world. About 5317 years ago Pharaoh Nama Menes laid the foundation for a country that was world power for about 3,500 years, survived several dynasties several invasions and still stands today with her majestic buildings intact.

It was not white men that brought civilization to Afrika that is the worst insult ever, it was Afrika that took civilization all over the world including Amerika before the white man, and Afrika was still very much intact before the unfortunate invasions of Afrika by the colonialists.

Afrika Is Not The Dumping Ground
Afrika is not the import market of the world, Afrika is the export base of the world, we exported civilization, science and technology to the world. Gold, silver, diamonds.

It was not Afrika who needed the help" of white Europeans, it was white Europeans who needed the help of Afrika and they were the ones who benefited with trade with Afrika and became rich by using technology which Afrika taught them to destroy motherland may they reap their reward.

What was brought to Afrika was worse than terrorism, it was home slavery, parasitism called colonialism, about 12million Kongolese were murdered by King Leopold 2 of Belgium, millions were also murdered by France in "French Kongo", also about 80,000 Herero people were slaughtered by German when they were" civilising " Afrika. Do these sound like civilization? Afrika was civilised before the white man could make it into interior Afrika to uncivilize us.

Afrika The Light Of The Worlds
Afrika is not the large stretch of land that has contributed nothing to world development, Afrika is the greatest influence of good in the world, Afrika has contributed more to world development than any continent in the world or possibly all put together. Our civilization is the foundation and the major pillar of what the world is enjoying today and building on, if u take the light God gave us the world would return to darkness like the dark ages of Europe when they removed Afrikan education.

Afrika Is Not The Needy
Afrika is not the land in need of help, ancient Greek philosophers and scholars of renown ran to Afrika to receive their education, to plunder Egyptian libraries and to make what Afrika had to be theirs, the European depended on trade in Afrika to save their markets that was saturated and failing, and till today Afrika makes Europe rich and they don't want to leave Afrika alone, it is Europe that has been needing Afrika and can't do without Afrika and not the other way round.

Afrika Is Not In Need Of Aids
Afrika is not the land in need of aid, Afrika is rich, Afrika has the resources that develop the world, what Afrika needs is a break from the parasitism that is sucking her breath away, so she can reclaim her lost position.

Let all Afrikans and people of the world know who Afrika is and respect her.
Afrika must unite and rebuild the motherland
Respect to the greatest nation on earth forever

Eze Chimere Nwauzo
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