
Wisdom Has The Light To Make Afrika Shine Again

- April 13, 2018
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WISDOM Has The Light To Make Afrika Shine Again

Wisdom has the solution to every problem; this is why I do not worry myself about whether the problems that AFRIKANS are having in the world today can be solved; they can be solved, and will be solved.

Not a single mountain standing against the progress of Afrikans shall remain standing: they all shall surely fall, and we all shall surely rise again.

When we decide to open the gates to our destiny, and we go for wisdom (the spirit that gives a solution to every problem): then, we shall have the key into the great Afrikan destiny because, wisdom is the key to all progress.

The challenges of Afrikans, are not Gordian knots that cannot be solved: they are little arithmetics that can be simplified by the power of wisdom; if we can only apply wisdom.

Let us not be downcast, and feel like all hope is gone; rather, let us wisely rise up and lift all Afrikans up all over the world.

But before we proceed into wisdom, we must know for sure, that the first requirement for Afrikan progress is love: compassion, selflessness, passion for fellow Afrikans are factors that must first be present, before we make any profound progress toward Afrikan Renaissance.

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It is that spirit of love that would push us to do our best to improve the lives of each other.

It is that fire of love that will make us give up our self serving ways, and make us candles burning as lights for our brothers and sisters to see the goodness of life.

It is love that motivated Marcus Garvey and made him one of the greatest leaders ever, look at what motivated him:

...I asked myself “Where is the black man’s government? Where is his King and his kingdom? Where is his President, his country, his men of big affairs? I could not find them, and then I declared, I will help to make them.”

It is love that motivated Dr. Kwame Nkrumah to push for a free Ghana, for Afrikan unity even at the expense of his presidency and his life: love is really what makes a true leader.

Thomas Sankara, Gaddafi, Lumumba were all motivated by love for their people and it cost them their lives.

Mostly what we have among Afrikans today, are leaders that hate the people: sacrificing the people for themselves, leading to poverty among the people, while the leaders live in excessive wealth.

We need to have the new era of Afrikan leaders who value God and their people above personal ambitions and would sacrifice all for the benefits of the people. Without this first condition, no amount of policies can help us.

We hear of other leaders of the world crossing seas and hills overseas to protect the interests of their people. While here, we see our own brothers in power constantly selling us out right in our own homes, that in the midst of the river of prosperity, we die of thirst, while others are drunk with our God-given wealth.

Therefore, there must be love first, genuine love from the leaders; it is a curse to be ruled by leaders who hate you, but a blessing to be led by those who love you.

"To love the king is not bad, but a king who loves you is better."
- Afrikan Proverb

With the emergence of leaders who are Pan-Afrikan leaders: leaders of love, we then need the Wisdom to set and achieve our aims.

We must have wisdom because:
Love without wisdom is blind passion that can destroy what it intended to build, as love is of the heart and wisdom of the mind:

If Afrikan leaders try to solve the problems we have without wisdom, the efforts would lead to more problems even if the intentions were pure; good motives are not enough, they must be rightly guided.

Wisdom is doing the Right thing, at the Right time, in the Right way.

Every problem has its solution; every door has its key:

We need to discover the wisdom to solve our problems: the problems of more than 2billion people of Afrikan heritage globally.

Some wisdom tips for Afrikan progress are:
Afrikan unity: Afrikans must not try to solve their problems alone, but together as one global family. We need unity, we need organization.

We also need unity first because it is not in the interest of some nations to see the prosperity of Afrikans. They would attack any Afrikan nation or clan that attempts to rise, but with unity we are protected.

Unity must come first because with global Afrikan Unity we form a strong community with strong concentrated influence that no one can resist, unlike the fragmented power we have had because of our disunity.

Finally, we need unity of Afrikan states into the United States of Afrika: this will form a new power bloc: Afrika, which will unite our armies into one strong army, our currencies into One hard currency, our markets into One semi-global market of 1.3 billion people.

Unity is the first fruit of Afrikan Wisdom. Let us love our ourselves, let us be Pan-Afrikan and let us be wise people. Let us first form a global unity of Afrikan people and Afrikan states, then wisdom will give other solutions, guidelines, inventions, technology needed to restore the glory of the original man: The glorious Afrikan and the "Land of beginning: Afrika.

Afrika shall be united and shall be rebuilt by the Grace of The Almighty God who is giving us the live, wisdom, knowledge, courage and liberty to prosper Afrika again.
God bless Afrika

Eze Chimere Nwauzo
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