
There Is No Reason Why Afrika Should Not Unite!!!😉

- April 11, 2018
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Unite Afrika

No reason for Afrika not 2 unite!

Afrika must unite
Afrikan unity is the key to Afrikan progress
Afrikan unity is Afrikans working together towards a common goal, a common agenda, and THAT is  A. Progress

There are two main aspects of Afrikan unity:
Global Afrikan unity
Unity of States : The unification of Afrikan states to one mighty continental state: United Afrika, one country, one nation one Afrika one Afrikan people for defence, for security, peace and progress.

And other endless benefits which we have not been able to break into while being apart.

Afrikan unity is the end of divide and rule m, it is the end of colonial rule in AFRIKA because we all shall together say no to colonialism and the introduction of Afrikan authority over the planets

But despite, the glory that rides on the wings of Afrikan unity, so may have cold feet toward Afrikan unity. It could be

Fear of Domination:
Tribal, religious or aristocratic
1 Rule of law,
We shall have a strong Democratic Constitution which is the authority over the new nation. The Constitution of Afrika shall be binding to all and no one shall be above the law: no person, group or groups shall go unpunished when they violate the law.

2 strong representation,
In the united Afrika, Every single person, group, community, tribe and nation shall be equally represented before the govt of the united Afrika to make sure that no good interest of any Afrikan or Afrikan group is denied.

3 strong institutions
The United Continent of Afrika shall be upheld by strong pillars, strong institutions stronger than individuals: strong Democratic institutions, economic institutions, anti corruption institutions and strong devolution of powers among all.

4 high level of accountability of responsibility against absolute immunity to ensure nobody is above the law, and no one is a sacred cow.

These and other principles shall make the United Afrika a country for all Afrikans and not a few persons.

B. Another question people could have about having the United Continent of Afrika is would richer Afrikan economies be suffocated by other economies? The answer is NO

The united Afrika shall be built on the structure of Federalism, which is a national structure with a strong central govt and strong state govts.

A govt that gets to the Grass roots , a govt that gets to the common man.

It gives  a healthy level of autonomy to the states
liberty to control their resources
To plan their economies and develop at their pace
While the Afrikan govt shall protect Afrikans from colonialism, represent us globally and build a continental economy for us.

Also, a unified currency would make traveling to any part of Afrika in search of greener pastures to cease, as the whole of Afrika would become altogether shining.

C. Another question is would the open border not cause insecurities within Afrika
The answer is also NO. A Unified Afrikan army would rather give us a united and more powerful intelligence cooperation and might to finally root out any Terror cell within Afrika and make Afrika free from fear and Terror.

Finally some could say that Afrikan unity is impracticable because of widespread Cultural and religious diversity.
But that is not the case, because the formation of the united continent of Afrika would not  necessitate a coercion from one religion, or group to another.

The united continent of Afrika will allow you to maintain your present religion,
your present culture
To live wherever you choose to in Afrika
To maintain whatever position you have wherever u r in a better environment than we can have while staying apart.

Afrikan unity is itself the round table for the discussion of the challenges that we Afrikans are having. Instead of being afraid to unite, let us confront and defeat our fears and grab Afrikan unity which is Afrikan Progress.

1.We must have one Afrikan currency backed up with our God-given resources, so we can trade with each other and with the outside world to our advantage

2. We must have a united Afrikan army to defend and protect Afrikans from invasions

3.We need one Afrikan language
4. We need one Afrikan bank, Afrikan Monetary Fund to fund the Afrikan economy
4. One Afrikan Govt to reach out to Afrikans worldwide

We need a United Afrika
And global unity of all Afrikans for global cooperation and mass movement of Afrikans toward progress.
Remember that only through Afrikan unity shall we find a true and sustainable Afrikan progress
And no reason for Afrika not to unite
Afrika We Must Unite
Let us UNITE!!!

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