
MY Afrikan Leadership Is A Divine Mandate

- April 11, 2018
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My leadership for Afrikans, my assignment to lead Afrikans from Last to first, is a mandate from The Almighty God; a sceptre from Heaven; a dream that must come true.

There were a lot of shadows, serpents, pitfalls, rivers, hills and valleys that did their very best to stop me dead on my tracks,

but the hand of God is GREATER than a thousand oppositions.

Even death was afraid to lay his cold hands on me, and fear fled from HE that is always with me: The Universal God: indeed, nothing can stop what God started.

From depths to heights, my star is shining brighter by the hours.

And since HE kept me through those ink dark days, starless nites and disappointing times...

He shall see me through
My Afrikan dreams:

To unify
And lead Afrikans to the top again

And the hundred of millions of Afrikans shall live in prosperity again in worship of the Almighty Creator of the endless universe.

Eze Chimere Nwauzo
Pan-Afrikan leader
My leadership mandate is from God

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