
The Pillar Of Justice To Uphold Afrikan Unity And Progress

- April 17, 2018
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"Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream."

The pillar of justice.
A pillar is a powerful value, person, branch that holds an organization.

In building a nation, uniting a people, maintaining unity and keeping agitations of disintegration out of a union, Justice is one of those pillars that must be held firm.
Justice is not only a pillar, justice goes down into the foundation, justice is the foundation of the throne of God, God therefore neither rules in injustice nor supports injustice.

Justice is the foundation and a pillar of any nation that Must be great, justice is very vital to a united Afrika.
Justice is an expression of love Wisdom and truth and it also takes courage. People love to do what is popular but Justice is doing what is right, justice is righteousness.
Justice is giving to everyone what belongs to him or her, Justice  using the same scale for everyone, Justice is giving a fair award irrespective of relationship, justice is paying one back in his coin.

"What you do with injustice often backfires."
                                               African Proverb

Justice is acting in accordance with the truth;
Giving everyone what he/she deserves;
Doing what is right, fair without being partial.

Justice is giving everyone equal hearing, equal response, equal opportunity.
Justice is against double standards, against favouritism, tribalism and nepotism.
Justice is truth dispensed by integrity and impartiality.
Love is blind, justice is blind:

Justice is the blind one that settles quarrels once and for all. Justice is the blind judge that can not see race or religion or color, but gives to every one person what is right and nothing less.

Justice is the lover and beloved of the poor and the weak, justice takes his throne, he takes what was stolen from one and returns to owner, he takes what belongs to Ghana and returns to Ghana, he takes what belongs to Afrikans and returns to them to Afrikans, he gives to blacks what belongs to blacks, justice gives to the people what belongs to the people.

"True peace is not merely the absence of war, it is the presence of justice."

Justice settles quarrels with love, wisdom truth and courage. He takes almagamation and gives unity, justice takes away the pains in the heart of the oppressed by giving them the judgment that is their due.
When justice acts, the powers of the world bow because they see God in action, and no quality of arsenal in the world can hinder the coming of justice, I see it.

We want justice: justice between fellow Afrikans, between Afrikan states, tribes, clans, families and people
Justice for Afrika, justice for Afrikans, let the truth tell us what is ours, and let justice make them ours again
Let us love ourselves and tell the truth to ourselves and build a just Afrika, and do to others only that we would wish done to us.

"It’s not unpatriotic to denounce an injustice committed on our behalf, perhaps it’s the most patriotic thing we can do."

Let us rely on God's love wisdom truth and courage for justice rather than on colonialists
Let us know and repent from ways we have been selfish toward one another
Let us take actions based on what us right and not what is popular or selfs
Let us stop using political offices to enrich ourselves and foreign powers,
Let us give up what is not ours, stop betraying one another,
And we shall have a just and prosperous Afrika where everyone can find progress and happiness. This is our dream and we all must work toward ist, a just world for Afrika and Afrikans.

Eze Chimere Nwauzo
Leader of Afrika Familia
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