
The Values Afrikans Need To Rise Again!!!

- April 11, 2018
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The Values Afrikans Need To Rise Again

Values are those ways of living, those standards that we live by; how much worth we consider things to be.
While value system is the set of values we have in order of priority.

Our current value system is wrong; it has been corroded by the colonial invasions;
We value money more than love;
Gold more than people;
Power above service;
Things more than ideas that create things;

We need value for God and people that is LOVE; to propel us to do good for everyone.l; to unite us sincerely and kill selfishness and corruption.

We need value for WISDOM
Wisdom is what to do, how to do it, when and why so as to get the best results. We need wisdom to unite and rebuild Afrika.
Wisdom gives strategies, inventions, innovations, technology for building and for defence.

We need value for TRUTH.
Truth is what exactly is, that is opposite of lie which is what is not but presented to be it.
There are 2 aspects of truth:
The informational and the judicial aspects.
The informational has to do with knowledge of the truth,
While the judicial has to do with delivering the truth through justice, fairness, righteousness, impartiality etc
We need the truth in Afrika so as to end struggles, to end agitations, to end oppression and protect both the poor and the rich.

The fourth value we need is value for COURAGE
Courage is the ability to advance in the face of difficulties. It is usually the missing link between a servant or a king.
It takes courage to take action, it takes courage to continue in action, we need courageous leaders to lead Afrika beyond the limitations of those who oppose our destiny.
Courage can be expressed in bravery, confidence, diligence, persistence, perseverance, consistency etc we need all of them.

The last core value that should make up the Afrikan value system is the value for UHURU.
Uhuru means freedom; it means dignity, fulfilment, happiness,  Dominion, power and everything that makes life sweet to live.
We must love Uhuru becomes without love for liberty we cannot be free.

Afrikans let us adopt these values and make them our Afrikan value system as an antidote to the system of corruption that is rampant so we shall sanitise ourselves and the entire Afrika and the world for the prosperity of every Afrikan man.


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