
15 Quotes By Dr. Kwame Nkrumah About Afrika

- April 16, 2018
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Dr. Kwame Nkrumah is regarded by many as the greatest advocate for Afrikan unity because of his tireless works physical, intellectual, financial, political etc to unite Afrika into one single nation with one people, one vision, one purpose; one in everything.

He was the first president of Ghana and the father of the defunct OAU Organization of Afrikan Unity which gave place to the AU Afrikan Union.

Dr. Nkrumah's aim was not however neither the OAU nor the AU but The United States of Afrika which we his political followers are working hard to fulfil.

Here are some of the quotes that will make you know whom Dr. Kwame Nkrumah really was:

1. "Afrika is marching forward to freedom and no power on earth can halt her now"

2. "It is not Afrika that is poor, it is Afrikans that have been impoverished by centuries of exploitation and domination."

3. "The desire of the Afrikan people themselves to unite has made itself felt everywhere."

4. "Today we are one. If in the past the Sahara Divided us, now it united us and an injury to one is in injury to all."

5. "The unity of Afrikan states can be a reality and it will be achieved earlier than most of us think.'

6. "The forces that unite us are greater than the colonial forces that keep us apart."

7. "If Afrika's multiple resources were used in her own development, they could place her among the world's most developed continents. But her resources have been and are still used for the greater development of overseas interests."

8. "Real black freedom will come only when Afrika is Politically united. It is only then that the black man will be free to breath the air of freedom, which is his to breath in any part of the world."

9. "I will not hide the fact that I am impatient when it comes to building Ghana."

10. "Few would argue against the need for economic planning on the national scale. How much stronger is the argument for continental planning."

11. "It is my deep condition that all people wish to be free, and that the desire for freedom is rooted in the soul of everyone of us."

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12. "When Afrika becomes Politically and economically united, then monopolists will clash with the working class of their countries, and a new struggle will arise within which the liquidation and collapse of imperialism will be completed."

13. "God knows that we in Afrika are tired of war and strife, for our continent has been for centuries the scene of tribal conflicts and foreign exploitation. Today we have a vested interest in peace."

14. "There is no force however formidable that a united people cannot overcome."

15. "I am not Afrikan because I was born in Afrika, I am Afrikan because Afrika was born in me"

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