
10 Attitudes We Need During This COVID-19 Period

- May 23, 2020
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In this period of great upheaval following the coronavirus mass deaths, lockdown, hunger and other mishaps, there is need for a positive attitude that would allow us to thrive despite the lockdown. By the way, Attitude is how we think.

1. We need an attitude of knowledge: This period is a period when we need information a lot. We need information to know what is going on around the world, in our country, in our state and our neighbourhood. We need to know how the virus is spreading so as to plan our response; know when to move or to stay.

2. Openness: We need an attitude of openness. We need an openness to new ideas, new systems etc because many things that were working before would not work now. We need to know how to worship God without buildings and still be more godly than before; we need to know how to educate ourselves without being in a classroom.

3. Courage: We need to be fearless and courageous this period. Fear of hunger, fear of coronavirus, fear of losing our jobs can cause of even more hurts than the virus itself. We have to be courageous that no matter what we are not afraid but we will overcome.

4. Caution: We have to be cautious this period. A lot of information are being disseminated and not all are true, and while some are true, our understanding of their meanings could be untrue. We have to cautiously check up what we hear and what we belief to avoid running into errors.

5. Novelty: We have to be novel this period. We do not have to wait for solutions from the West or from the East to stop this Virus. We have microbiologists, we have virologists, biochemist and various forms of medical experts, we need all these minds to be put to work to create solutions. We also have to consider the solution from Afrika, Madagascar precisely. We have to run tests on the Madagascan tea to know if we should accept the treatment.

6. Transparency: We need an attitude of transparency to triumph. Our leaders especially need to be seen more often, to tell us exactly what is going on, to tell us exactly how much money they have received and to tell us to do in all honesty and sincerity. 


7. Compassion: finally we need compassion, which is the desire to help out each other. This compassion should drive us to share what we have and give some to our neighbours, family and friends. We need each other to survive this great upheaval.

8. Management: we need to develop an attitude of management of our resources this period so as to not run out of resources. We need to cut down the amount of money we spend on food; spend less on nonessentials; stock up food because no one knows how long this will last.

9. Transformation. We need an attitude of transformation, of turning this situation for good. This can be done by using this period to read, learn some online skills so as not to allow this period to waste

10. Godliness: We need an attitude of godliness this period. We need to come closer to God and seek his solace. With God on our side we are surely going to be victorious, so seek God this season.

These 10 attitudes would help us do well in this period.

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