
3 Significances Of Afrikan Unity

- April 27, 2019
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3 significances of Afrikan Unity

"I can see no security for Afrikan states except Afrikan leaders like ourselves have realized without doubt that salvation for Afrika lies in her Unity"

- Dr Kwame Nkrumah (Speech at the closing session of Casablanca conference: 7 January 1961)

 When Bob Marley sang "Afrika Unite", few persons understood what he meant, and I wasn't among them.

I thought "Afrika unite" meant Afrikan people should just be attending meetings together, holding hands together emotionally, but that's not true, although that is what is more obtainable today.

Afrikan unity is a practical application of the Afrikan love and wisdom philosophy known as "Pan-Afrikanism".

Pan-Afrikanism is a philosophy that All people of Afrikan descent worldwide should UNITE to solve the problem of all Afrikan people.

The philosophy of Pan-Afrikanism which has Edward Wilmot Blyden as its father, is the only known way to the restoration of the glory of the Blackman, and that ideology gave birth to the United Afrika or United States of Afrika.


1. Afrikans becoming One:
Afrikan Unity signifies the Afrikan people becoming one people; it means that all of us from Gabon, Chad, Algeria, Zimbabwe, Niger, Azania (South Afrika) all become "Afrikans" first, and not Libyans, Haitians, Angolans.

Being Afrikan, means assuming your full Afrikan identity and seeing all Afrikans as your brothers and sisters and fellow citizens.

It means the Afrikan people share their poverty and wealth, joy and pain, oil and sweat together in the good times and the bad times and at all times.

Afrikan unity means
all Afrikans Unite!!! and solve the problems of all Afrikans together, rather than say, oh Zimbabwe is under sanction, no! The Afrikan man sees it and says, "oh our fellow Afrikans are being persecuted, we can't let our brothers suffer alone!"


There are about 2,000 ethnic groups in Afrika and

There is only one Afrika hence all the ethnic groups in Afrika must become one as well, we must live in peace as one people.

Afrika unite means the leaders and the people of Afrika Unite!!!.

The unity of Afrika is the
oneness of heart, spirit soul and will of the Afrikans.

The oneness of Afrikans is the protection of Afrikans. It makes us our brother's keeper, a people rising by helping each other up, a people cooperating worldwide, a defended and protected people.


The United Afrika, which Dr Kwame Nkrumah and Muma Gaddafi sacrificed their lives for, and which Bob Marley sang about, and which we advocate for, is for Afrikans to gather up the divided, weak, colonised states of Afrika, and merge them up into one single, powerful, free, united states of Afrika: One Country, one nation, one currency, one army, one govt and one people, and of course one language.

Afrika as one country is what the United Afrika means, and that is to sum up all the powers of the 55 states of Afrika into One Mega country larger and blessed that theuunited Amerika.

Afrikan unity will create the next world power named the United States of Afrika, that is what Afrikan Unity means.

The Afrikan citizenship is an elevation of status to the level among the world top citizenship, which greater than any regional nationality which can take us nowhere beyond where we currently are.


There must be a motivation behind every deliberate action.

There must be a reason why many popular and great Afrikans keep saying "Afrika Must Unite."

 There is a reason for African unity, there are reasons for Afrikan unity and all those reasons all point towards Afrikan peace and progress
Africa unite, unite for what, why should we unite.

Marcus Garvey saw the pains of the Afrikan people and preached : Afrika Unite

Cheik Anta Diop studied so hard, researched day and nite and Wrote that Afrika must unite
Bob Marley saw the pains of Afrikans and snag Afrika

Unite for the benefit of your people!
Unite for the benefit of my children

Former President Mwalimu Nyerere of Tanzania told us to "work for unity with the firm conscious that without unity there is no future for Afrika"

Dr. Kwame Nkrumah made it clear and wrote it in His Book Afrika Music Unite because that is the Solution to Afrika's challenges

Dr. Kwame Nkrumah also went ahead to tell us at the Cairo Conference 26th July 1964 that "

a United Afrika can cure us of our economic ills and lift us out of our despair and frustration".

Afrikan unity when applied has proven to be the Afrikan solution:

It was the Pan-Afrikan movement of the 19th century, the Pan-Afrikan conferences of the 1900 to 1954, the Marcus Garvey mass movement of the early 20th century and the writings and teachings of great Afrikan scholars of the 19th and 20th centuries that marked the move for the liberation of the people of Afrika globally from racism and  continentally from colonisation

It was that power from the global unity of Afrikans that gave birth to Afrikan nationalism that defeated colonisation and got independence for Afrika.

But today, Afrika is still not as prosperous as we dreamt of, we still have mass poverty, disease and hunger and colonisation is still here and more colonisers are coming.

In summary things are not as bad as there were before independence, but things are not as good as we desire even with independence.

There are degrees of unity and there are degrees of freedom and degrees of progress.

The degree of Afrikan unity of the past gave us independence alone, only a higher degree of Afrikan unity shall grant us the freedom for Afrikan progress.

Peace, progress and prosperity for all Afrikans and Afrikans rising from Last To First in the world are the dreams of all Afrikans.

That is why our great leaders, writers and singers unanimously say


Eze Chimere Nwauzo
Leader of OAF
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