
Keys To Living A Healthy Lifestyle

- April 12, 2018
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Keys to healthy living
Health is a very vital aspect of our lives. It is one of the most important yet most neglected aspects of our lives. We tend not to value health until we take ill, in other words we value good health only we get sick.
For us to live a healthy and long life, there are are some lifestyles we have to cultivate; there are some daily routines we have to maintain they are

1. Healthy feeding habit
Feeding habit has to do with the way you eat overall; the kinds of food you eat, the way you eat them etc.
There are 6 main classes of food: water, carbohydrates, fats and oil, protein, vitamin, and minerals.
Your overall feeding habits must be in such a way that you get all these nutrients in the proportions you need them which is called Balanced diet.
Do not let your food be only carbohydrates: rice, yam, cassava products etc which mainly boost energy.
Your diet should make provisions for fruits, vegetables in large quantities because these foods are the foods that make your body be healthy, look clean and young.
Also, rather than spending your extra money on snacks like meat pie, buns etc spend them on bananas, oranges, pineapples; also if you have the space, plant these fruits in your garden so as to have fresh supplies of them in their seasons.
Remember to drink a lot of water especially Immediately you wake up in the morning.
Eat healthy and stay healthy: if you eat healthily you are investing in your body the money you would have spent in the clinic if you didn't feed healthily.

2. Maintain good hygiene
The next lifestyle you need to cultivate to live a healthy and radiant life is Cleanliness; hygiene.
There are two types of hygiene:
Personal and environmental hygiene and both are important to health.
Personal hygiene is to take care of your own body to keep it free from germs and diseases; to be clean, neat and healthy.
To maintain personal hygiene
I. Brush your teeth twice a day using tooth brush and toothpaste.
II. Bathe at least once or twice a day depending on the region you reside in, the availability of water etc bathing with soap helps to remove germs from your body, remove body odour, make your mind sound and relaxed.
III. Wash your clothes and and other materials often:
To maintain hygiene, you need to wash your clothes once the aren't as clean as they were before you wore them. Also wash your towels, bedsheets and bed spreads at least once every week to kill the germs that already on them so as to keep you free from diseases.

IV. Starch and iron your clothes:
To look clean and smart you have to apply starch on your clothes (if the material requires it) after rinsing them and then iron the clothes very well before putting them on.

V. Use deodorants
To keep the body swelling nice you need to apply deodorants like roll on, deodorant stick and body spray. Roll on and deodorant stick help to keep the armpit clean and remove odour.

VI. Keep the hairs clean
To maintain personal hygiene keep the hair clean by barbing often for guys, keeping the beards neat; and washing and retouching your hair often for women. You can achieve that by setting out a day of the week when you will be taking care of your hair.

VII. Also you can maintain personal hygiene by cleaning the wax in your ear often, also barbing the excess hairs in your nose using clippers, using hair creams and lotions that are compatible with your body, cutting your nails regularly, changing your underwear regularly etc

The other aspect of hygiene is environmental hygiene which is keeping your environment clean.
A clean environment makes the mind to be relaxed, it keeps the body free from germs and diseases, it shows maturity and gives respect. To maintain environmental hygiene:
I. Sweep your room everyday especially in the morning.
II. Keep your entire apartment clean by sweeping, picking and arranging everything properly.
III. Wash your toilet and bathroom at least once a week; also get a bathroom slippers as it is not hygienic to bathe barefooted no matter how clean the bathroom is.
IV. Do not litter your environment with pieces of paper, or with nylon, biscuit wraps etc rather dispose them in the trash, also encourage others to do so, so you can have a clean environment.
V. Plant trees, flowers and nice grasses around your home to increase oxygen level, release nice airs, and create a beautiful environment.

Source: pexels.com

3. Exercise regularly
Another activity needed to keep you healthy is regular exercise. Exercise could be jogging, skipping, weightlifting, cycling or even strolling to work sometimes if the workplace is not too far.
Do not stay for a whole month without one for of exercise or the other because without exercise the muscles shrink therefore the body ages fast. Also lack of exercise decreases the body's immune system leading to illness, it also leads to overweight, depression etc. Whereas exercise makes the body lighter, increases stamina, slows down aging, keeps the body weight balanced and increases happiness.

4. Explore the Heath world
Other ways of staying healthy is by reading health books, studying health patterns to know what is healthy for you and what is not. Also, take care of any illness that you notice in your body at once and do not delay so as to avoid further damage to the body, and finally, consult health experts whenever you require serious medical attention.

These are some of the ways you can live a healthy lifestyle, remember that health is wealth and without health we cannot achieve any goal we have in life. So stay healthy.
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