
Afrika Needs To Re-Own Science and Technology And Be The Most Technologically Advanced Nation

- April 11, 2018
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Science and Technology
Wakanda: star2.com

Afrika Needs To Re-Own Science and Technology And Be The Most  Technologically Advanced Nation In The World Again

Civilization started in Afrika, but Afrika lost it to colonisers and then became the dump of the worlds...
But Afrika must be redeveloped...
For Afrika to be redeveloped, we Afrikans must wake up now and take Science and Technology more seriously and more practical than we have been taking it recently because without science and technology we cannot have a rebuilt Afrika, or a defended Afrika because science and technology affect all fields of life and we have not been utilising them half the way we should.

There is a huge technology gap in Afrika today that if a road is to be built there must be a white man, if a stadium is to be built you are likely to see the Chinese: we produce graduates yet have no confidence in them, we have hospitals yet run to Europe, Asia or Amerika to be treated when Ill.

We must regain confidence in our God-given ingenuity; we must believe in ourselves; we must

1. Equip our schools with practical equipment right from primary school level.
2. We must standardise the schools right from primary level by upgrading our curriculum and also making sure they are equipped.
3. Education must be rated on its level of productivity and not exam scores.
4. We must proliferate standard Science and Technology secondary schools and technical colleges that are very practical, and also serve as Hubs where technocrats can go to do their Research and development.
5. We must discover, develop and explore our talents in the science and technology field: gather them together, equip them to be the best in the world.
6. It also means we must network our people all over the world who are technical experts to come home and train our local talents.
7. We should also take care care of our talents all over the world by providing them with comfortable housing so that they will be motivated to return to Afrika to train local talents and also to be on ground to help build our S&T (Science and Technology).
8.We must decide to groom our #BlackTechnology and instead of importing, we should study those products, find out how they were made, and setup firms to start producing ours.

Afrika must get back to the era of science and technology which we gave to the world and used in building pyramids that still stand today, obelisks, pillars like those at the Karnak, like the depiction of Wakanda as the most Technologically Advanced in the world.

Wakanda Aircraft: popsci.com

We must stop focusing on training the mind only but the hands also because as Zik puts it "Education must train the head, the heart, and the hand".
Science and Technology are important because they affect productivity in all fields of life whether Agriculture, health, economy, defence etc therefore let us get to work at once and become Afrika the most technologically advanced nation on earth.
We can and we will

Eze Chimere Nwauzo
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