
21+ Striking Facts About Afrika; Meaning, Legacies and Recommendations

- April 14, 2018
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Theories about the name "Afrika"
According to 1st century Jewish historian named Flavius Josephus, Afrika was named for Epher, grandson of Abraham, whose descendants invaded Libya. The Hebrew name for the continent, is Ophir.

According to historian Ivan Van Sertima, the Egyptian term “Afru-ika” means “birthplace” or “Motherland,” or "Land of beginnings". Af-rui-ka literally means “to turn toward the opening of the Ka, womb or birthplace.”

Also, a 4th dynasty pharaoh was named Kh-afre, which is “Afrika.”

Some believe the original name of our continent to be Alkebulan (Garden of Eden), some Ethiopia, or even Libya, but Afrika meaning Mother land is the name that stands, while God is the father of mankind.

Facts about Afrika
Afrika is the most interesting and diverse continent on the earth.
1. Afrika sits on about 11.7 million square miles, representing about a fifth of the total landmass of the earth – larger than India, China, Mexico, US, and a huge chunk of Europe combined.
2. Afrika is the most centrally located continent in the world. Both the prime meridian (0 degrees longitude), and the equator (0 degrees latitude) cut across Afrika.
3. There are 54 countries in Afrika
and over 2,000 recognised languages spoken on the continent.
4. There are about 1.2 billion people in Afrika, and the population will double to about 2.3 billion people by 2050.
5. Algeria is the largest country in Afrika, while Cairo in Egypt is our largest city.
6. The River Nile is the longest river in the world with a total length of 6,650 kilometres while the highest point in Afrika is Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania standing 5895 meters (19,340 feet) above sea level.
7. The world’s largest land animal is the Afrikan elephant.
8. The world’s largest reptile, the Nile crocodile is in Afrika
9. The world’s tallest animal, the giraffe is in Afrika.
10. The fastest land animal in the world, the cheetah, lives in Africa.

Afrikan Origin of Civilization
11. World civilization began in Afrika. The civilization of ancient Egypt according to historical records, the Egyptian state dates back to about 3,300BC that is, about 5,317 years ago or even much earlier at about 10,000BC or more.
12. The first Great Pyramid of Giza, built by Pharaoh Khufu to last forever is the most extraordinary building in history. At 481 feet tall – the equivalent of a 40-storey the pyramid was the tallest man-made structure in the world for more than 3,800 years. It was made of 2.3 million blocks of limestone and granite, some weighing up to100, 000kg.
13. The oldest existing, and continually operating educational institution in the world is the University of Karueein, founded in 859 AD in Fez, Morocco.
14. Earlier Greek philosophers were educated in Afrika mostly in Egypt – this was confirmed by “the father of European history,” Herodotus himself and supported by other ancient historians such as Diodorus.
15. Therefore the so called western civilization is actually Afrikan civilization a correction Pan-Afrikan leaders should take seriously.
16. In admiration of the historic greatness and excellence of Afrika, Roman Emperor, Julius Caesar exclaimed, “ex Afrika semper aliquid novi!” (Out of Afrika always something new!)
The great pyramids of Giza

17. Afrika is rich in all kinds of minerals, especially in raw materials such as platinum, cobalt, uranium, tantalum, gold, diamonds and oil.
18. There is hardly an agricultural product that cannot be grown in Afrika. Afrika’s arable land for food security is reported to be the largest in the world.
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Facts to challenge Afrikans of today 
19. Afrika’s economy is the world’s poorest and most underdeveloped with a continental GDP that accounts for just 2.4% of global GDP.
20. Over 20 million Afrikans were lost to the Atlantic slave trade, while also more than 20 million were lost to the Arab slave trade.
21. All of Afrika was colonized by foreign powers during the “scramble for Afrika”, except Ethiopia.

Closing remarks
Afrika is the Mother of Humanity. Afrika is the home of civilization. Afrika is the lampstand from where the light of world civilization was taken, therefore Afrika is “the first world” and NOT the “third world”. Afrika is the “Continent of light”, NOT the “dark continent”.
Our ancestors built the pyramids which no one has been able to build today.
The world should praise Afrika for bringing God’s light to humanity.

The well-known archaeologist in Kenya, Dr. L.S.B. Leakey long wrote, “The critics of Afrika forget that men of science today are without exception, satisfied that Afrika was the place of birth of man himself, and that for thousands of years…Afrika was in the forefront of all world progress”

So I say, what Afrika needs today is Responsibility, responsibility is leadership and leadership is responsibility towards destiny. Leadership will end the problems of slavery, and colonialism which damaged us and reduced us to being called third world or dark continent. Leadership will make Afrika unite, and carry the torch of civilisation once again.
The light of Afrika must return,
Afrika must unite, Afrika must shine again God bless Afrika!!!

Eze Chimere Nwauzo
Pan Afrikan leader
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