
5 Places You Must Face To Reach Your Destiny

- April 11, 2018
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5 Places U Must Face To Make It To Your destiny.

You have a destiny to fulfil, a person you were born to become, a position of greatness with your name written on it.
But it takes a lot to get there, and u must strive to get there.

It takes vision to get there, it takes wisdom to get there, it takes responsibility, it takes maturity, it takes courage, sacrifice and more to fulfil destiny.

Now, let’s look at 5 directions you must look at to fulfil destiny.
Lumumba of Kongo

1. Look Up To Your Origin:
The first question to ask yourself is “Where am i from?” “Where did I come from? Who created me? How did I come to be?”

You must understand that you are a carefully designed product, that u were Made, by someone, from who u came, that person is God.

You came from The Almighty God, you came from The maker. God is your maker, He is your Creator, u couldn’t have been a product of chance or of nothing.

The proof of your creation is that the phone u are using was made by a manufacturer for a definite aim which u r utilising it for. If something as common as a phone needed a maker, how about u.

Accept the existence of your maker, the existence of the one who brought you into existence: He is your Creator, He is the Almighty God. Get into constant touch with him for him to make known to u the definite aim He had in mind for making you.

God has the plan for your life, face Him, love him, ask him about yourself, ask him about your future, He will give you the map of your life and guide you towards your destiny.

2. Face Your Past.
The second place to face is your past. Sometimes, our past holds us down than any other aspect of our life.

Are there mistakes u made, things u suffered like public shame, rape, abuse? Are there things u did that u weep whenever u remember them?

Are there opportunities u missed, things u messed up, sins u committed that are haunting u and wouldn’t let u be? Face them!

Do not run away from your past, face your past boldly. Write out the things in your past that weigh u down, forgive who u need to forgive and end the blame.

Forgive yourself, stop blaming yourself, stop blaming your parents, stop blaming God.

Accept yourself, love yourself and love others like yourself, forgive those who hurt you, get over the messy past and be free of them.

Understand that the past is gone but today is an opportunity to create a better future and a past to be proud of.

Forgive your past hurt, and be healed of them, be bold, be a new person, be strong, if anyone asks u about your past life, remind him it is past and you are a transformed person.

Once u believe so, and say it convincingly, and people see you are truly different, no one would use your past against you, but they would treat you with the new way u became.

Learn from past mistakes and use the lessons gotten from them to build a new life, a new fire and a new energy.
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3. Look At Your self:
The next place to look at to be mature, to be a person of destiny, to live a purpose driven life, is yourself.

Michael Jackson sang “if u want to make the world a better place, take a look in the mirror and make the change”

To prosper, stop looking at your uncles, brothers, friends etc; to make a difference on earth don’t start with blaming others, don’t start from a community, start with Yourself:
Self leadership is the beginning of true leadership.

Take a deep look at yourself and ask “What am I getting wrong? How much do I know?, what can I do? Should I be made the head of a million people today can I deliver? What do I need to be a great leader?

How much responsible for my life have I been? If I continue to live my life the way I have been living today, will I become successful? Who is my role model, am I becoming like him?

What manner of person am I? How much do I take care of my body? How clean am I? How do I spend my life daily? Am I investing my life for a future or am I using up my time?

There are many questions to ask yourself, answer them by taking action.

Face yourself, use the mirror to examine yourself everyday to measure your development, decide now and here to be a better person who you would admirable and proud of.

4. Face Your present:
Whatever u are doing daily is your future. Be mindful of your daily routine: what do u
do every day?

Do not spend your hours having daily fun, rather invest your everyday in prayers, in studies, in research.

Become a giver today to be favoured tomorrow, be a reader today and a leader tomorrow.

Be a clean person, develop a pleasant personality, tidy up things u messed up in the past, return the money u looted in the past as a public servant, restore the disfigured image u had.

Look to your left and right, and get everything that is wrong right. Remove every unproductive friendship, remove every obstacle to your progress, and prepare the ground for a shining future.

The present is really a present, it is the only time we can live in to determine the future and make up for the past.

Face the frustrations, face them squarely, take God-guided decisions to end personal crisis. Lead your present life into a greater future.

Be strong and be determined, face your present days and make them count, face your frustrations and they will dissolve and a new light will shine and you shall recover all u lost.

5. Lastly, Face Your future, Face Your Destiny:
After oneness with God, dealing with your past, evaluating yourself and leading your present life, next is to face you

Your destiny is in God, which is why it is God first. On knowing what you are destined for, fly towards it with all your energy.

Your past can’t hinder u now, your self can’t, you are now a person of destiny, take the steps toward your destiny.

Your destiny was finished before you were born, u are just here to start what was finished.

No matter how big it seems, believe it; now matter how far away it seems walk towards it, fly towards it.

Don’t think u are too old or too young, too ugly or too cute, or too short, or too long, or too dark or too light, or unqualified. Only believe.

Your faith is the only step toward that destiny.
Pray as much as u can, read all you can, sacrifice for it, live for it and be ready to die for it.

To make a better world, to be a great star, to be a blessing to the world are all in your destiny.
Fulfil your destiny!!!

Eze Chimere Nwauzo.
Credits: Dr Myles Munroe, Michael Jackson.

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