
My Prayer For Afrikans: For Peace, Unity, Prosperity

- April 13, 2018
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Prayer for Afrikans
Prayer for Afrikans.
Let us pray for Afrikans. Let us pray because we believe in the power of prayer to change things: to inspire, to motivate, to guide, to give wisdom, understanding and knowledge needed for answers.

We the Afrikans have had a hard time in the world for centuries: The slave trades, colonialism and neocolonialism;

It has been tribalism, religious extremism, corruption, diseases and bad governance ravaging Afrikans.

Afrikans have been the poorest people, with the poorest economy, poorest health, and we arejust crawling behind everywhere with just few successes, unlike the glorious Afrikans of old.

Some works have been done to try to fix Afrika and elevate Afrikans, but still much has not changed.

But there must be a way. Let us pray. Let God make a way. Love is needed, prayer will make a way; where wisdom is needed, God will make it descend; whatever Afrika needs, the Almighty God can provide, so I pray.

I pray for all Afrikans.
I pray for all Afrikans all over the world: of all tribe, nationality and religion.

I pray to God the creator of all man.
I pray because I love all Afrikans passionately and I believe that prayer is power.

My prayer is that we Afrikans will know You oh God.  That we all will love you more than things,  money, power. And that we should walk with you not religiously, but as a family and as father and children.

I pray that the Afrikans do away with all forms of hatred. That we all have a change of heart from hatred for self and fellow brothers and sisters, and have a heart of love for each other.

Because love has the ability to make us stop enslaving ourselves,  stop fighting killing ourselves and unite to find solutions to our problems and excel all over the world.

Father, I pray for leadership among Afrikans. I pray for it with all my heart ♥ . Because I know that without leadership, that Afrikans are stuck.

I do not pray for rulers, I pray you give Afrikans leaders. Do not give us politicians but political leaders; not task masters but fathers; not hunters  but tender hearted shepherds.

Let that era of being "ruled by task masters, by kings that hate them" as Isaiah prophesied come to an end.

Grant us leaders that love us as fathers love their children. Leaders who love and revere you and also love themselves and their people equally.

Give us leaders who can sacrifice all they have just to see their people progress. Leaders who love the Afrikans as they love their very children. So that the days of diverting our wealth overseas or burying them rather than releasing them to the people end.

I pray for all Afrikan leaders. I pray that you receive the heart of love for your people. I pray that whatever is holding you down from fulfilling your responsibilities to the people be removed so you can rise to your responsibility.

I pray for wisdom, revelations,  courage and freedom for all Add Afrikan leaders all over the world from the topmost to the least, in all works of life and all shades of skin. So they can all fulfil their duties and lead the Afrikans from last to first.

I pray for Afrikan unity.
I pray for the emergence of the united states of Afrika. Because in the unity of Afrika lies the fullness of power of Afrikans.

I pray that in few years, the dream becomes a reality and that all the dreams of what it should  be, be realised as well.

The United Afrika filled with loving leaders will have every Afrikan prosperous.

I pray for the end of wars in Afrika.
I pray for the end of poverty in Afrika.
I pray for holiness among Afrikans.
I pray for the prosperity of every Afrikan.
I pray for peace among the Afrikans.

I pray you settle all AFRIKANS seeking their hearts for good.
I pray that Afrikans rise to leadership in all field all over the world and be on top and no longer below:

From poorest to richest,
Weakest to strongest,
Smallest to greatest,
Most despised to most honored
From Last to first.

These are my prayers for Afrikans, may they all be a reality.

Eze Chimere Nwauzo
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