
Afrikan Youths This Is Your Time, Rise Up And Start Leading!!!

- May 01, 2018
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 Afrikan Youths rise up and start leading

Afrikan Youths I hail you
The greatest resources of Afrika and the world.

You are the strength of Afrika You are heating with great zeal and overflowing energy
But frustrated at the ills by the elite of society.

You have greatness in you and great potentials to rule
It is time to believe in your God and to believe in yourself
It is time to stop at blaming and get into Leading
Time to stop hoping on the aged generation.

Stop the trends of recycling old men
while we stuck ourselves on social media just liking and commenting
And being the errand men.

Kwame Nkrumah was a youth when he championed Afrikan unity;
Sankara was a youth (34 yrs old) when he led Burkina Faso;
Gadafi Was a youth (27 yrs old) when he became the leader of Libya;
Zik, Lumumba , Nyerere, Mandela, Kagame all started out as youths
Why is our case different today?

We must change our mentality; become visionary;
swing into action;
become the leaders of today and not a tomorrow that never comes:
even today is the tomorrow of yesterday,
so let us become that which yesterday we said we would become tomorrow.

Let us take over the reigns of economy, power, administration everywhere and make a positive change:
let us organize ourselves worldwide and make a gulf of difference from what the passing generation stuck us into.

We are the generation to end poverty in Afrika;
We are the generation to end the lie of black inferiority;
We are the generation to Unite Afrika
and to restore prosperity to every Afrikan: man and woman old and young.

Do not think you are too young too lead;
Do not think the recycled men have anything new to offer you;
The onus is on you to make the positive change;
Afrikan Youths rise up and take the lead!!!

Eze Chimere Nwauzo
Pan-Afrikan Leader
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