

- May 05, 2018
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It has been hundreds of years of pains for the Afrikan people: the Afrikans have been the most disregarded people on earth, we have been the poorest, the least educated, the most dependent and most colonised.

We have had  so much internal wars, we have had the assassinations of great Afrikan leaders and the destruction of promising Afrikan states. Every Afrikan leader that wanted good for his people was destroyed, and every Afrikan state that tried to be free was destroyed.

It has been proven without no measure of doubt that no Afrikan leader can stand alone, no Afrikan state can be free alone, we either walk together or perish individually, therefore the eyes of the world are fixed upon us, keenly watching to see whether we will unite and be free to rule, or remain divided and ruled.

 Heaven and earth are observing us closing to see whether we settle our differences, unite and move forward, or we remain children, keep blaming ourselves and keep fighting ourselves.

Once Afrika unites to one, the eyes of colonialism will turn away from us, the world will respect us for being mature enough settle our quarrels ourselves, forgive ourselves and become one.

Division for Afrika means dependency. It means we keep depending on foreigners to settle the issues of nationalism in Afrika. The issues going on in Nigeria... Can be settled by the Afrikan people, and not allowing outsiders to break into our homes, that is the power of Afrikan unity.

 Afrikan unity means to tell ourselves the truth, to stop hurting one another, to do to our fellow Afrikans only what we would wish done to us.

A united Afrika is for us to build one country, one nation, one super state. The oneness is our strength, it is our power, Afrikan unity is a collection of forces, once we unite, we have a united force, a united power, the united horns of Afrika.

The more we are divided the more we fight ourselves the more we kill ourselves the more we are recolonised the poorer we remain but when we unite we stop fighting ourselves, we defend ourselves, we build up ourselves and we become free.

The more we remain divided the more we spend to cater for hours lives and yet not enough. We keep building more embassies all over the world for each Afrikan state, whereas once we unite we shall have one embassy for the Afrikan people and we shall spend less and gave more power before the world.

Divided we are poor, we cannot have control over the resources we have, we cannot sell our raw materials at a price of our own, we cannot have control over world currency or trade, but when we unite, we become one strong market that determines the price of our resources, we have our single currency and sell only with one currency and be prosperous.

Related: There Is No Reason Why Afrika Should Not Unite

Divided we cannot benefit from trade with each other, rather we buy and sell from Europe or Amerika or Asia, we open our markets to the world and close it within ourselves, but with the United Afrika we have one big market of 1.2billion people buying and selling among ourselves and increasing production and depending less on imports.

A divided Afrika is the gain of colonialists, a united Afrika is the gain the Afrikan Amerikans, black Europeans, Haitians, Jamaicans and all Afrikan people all over the world who need a strong Afrika, a leadership Afrika to lead all her people to destiny.

If we remain divided we risk been fully recolonised again, but our unity will shut the gate of colonialism once and for all and we emerge as a force to be feared all over the world.

Motivational: Afrikan Youths Rise Up And Start Leading

The motivations for Afrikan unity is not just about what we lose by not uniting, bit by what we gain for becoming united.

Unity will hand over to us the control over destiny, by having control over our language, our resources, our currency, our internal affairs, our govt, division keeps us perpetually colonised unity will make us in charge of our house.

So long as we remain divided, our resources will keep being picked up by outsiders for their industries outside Afrika, and they keep buying our resources at petty price, then they build their industries, export to us t higher price and kill our home industries. But when we unite, we can have full control over the trade in our resources, we can protect their outflow, we can use them to grow our industries and become technological advanced.

We ask: When Will Afrika Unite!!!

We must unite to defend the Afrikan people all over the world who have been reduced to nothing by their neighbours, we must protect the Afrikan people, we must rebuild Afrika and stop the deaths of Afrikan people who are fleeing over to Europe through the Mediterranean sea and are getting drowned everyday.

Divided we have no say before the world, the voices of the Afrikan people have no weight because there is division, difference views, different representatives, but when we unite we shall speak with one voice that shall be a force in the world.

So long as we remain separate, no Afrikan nation can be powerful, or even be free, but once we unite, Afrika emerges as a new world power and our powers will keep increasing everyday so long as we remain united.

My Prayer For Afrikans Worldwide

Afrika must unite because 54 strong men fighting individually get defeated one after the other, but 54 men fighting together, will defeat any enemy.

No Afrikan state can defeat any army in the world today, any Afrikan state can be sanctioned, attacked and destroyed by colonialists any day, but once we have Afrika as one united Afrika, one country with all the 54 Afrikan nations, no nation on the earth would dare to sanction, or  attack or invade any Afrikan nation for it had become part of Afrika as a country, no longer an isolated state of her own, that means an attack on any Afrikan state would mean an attack on the whole of Afrika as a country, and the united army of Afrika would defend every Afrikan state, therefore any war on Afrika would amount to a world war, therefore every Afrikan state will be protected only by a united Afrika.

Eze Chimere Nwauzo
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