
What Is Afrikan Unity? The Answer Is Here

- May 06, 2018
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Dr. Kwame Nkrumah

We have heard of Afrikan unity several times, we have heard that Afrika must unite to make progress, but still the question is what is Afrikan Unity, what does Afrikan Unity mean?

We have to know, we have to  understand what something is before accepting it, do logically we have to know and  understand what Afrikan unity is so we all can say "Afrika Unite"

First of all, "Afrikans" are all people of Afrikan descent worldwide and "Unity" means becoming one, working together, marriage, cooperation etc

Therefore, Afrikan Unity is Afrikans becoming one people:
That is from being Zulu, Igbo, Berber etc to becoming one: Afrikan; one identity.

Afrikan Unity means Afrika becoming one, that is one country, one nation with one government, one law etc

Afrikan Unity means Afrikans working together with one heart, one mind, one vision, one agenda, one leadership, one purpose, one value system, one destiny etc

Afrikan Unity has a purpose

Afrikan Unity means Afrikans coming together, settling our differences to work together toward Afrikan Progress.

Afrikan unity means accepting all fellow Afrikans as one family: to protect each other, to defend ourselves together to live and die together.

Afrikan Unity is not taking what belongs to you and giving it to me; it is not taking what belongs to Ghana and giving to Libya: it is giving to you what belongs to you; making sure every Afrikan gets what belongs to him/her whether as a person, family, community, tribe , state etc

Afrikan unity is against internal domination; it is against ethnic favouritism, it is against injustice in whatever form it may appear.

Afrikan Unity is the roundtable where all affairs of Afrikan people are heard, deliberated on and fully acted on in the interest of all Afrikans in the principles of justice as Afrikan Unity is built in the foundational pillar of Justice.
Afrikan Unity is the opposite of colonialism, whereby Afrikan affairs are decided in nations not Afrikan, by people not Afrikans, for interests that are Anti-Afrikan.

Afrikan Unity is a dream driven by love, guided by wisdom, built on truth and is achieved by Courage; doggedness; fierce determination and divine strength for the freedoms  and prosperity of All Afrikans.

Afrikan Unity will give us the massive voice to drown out our fighters;
Afrikan Unity will give us one govt that will be powerful on earth than all our current govts put together;
Afrikan unity will end the wars in Afrika;
It will usher in an era of Afrikan peace;
Which will lead to the era of Afrikan prosperity.

Afrikan Unity will lead to a global Afrikan cooperation;
Global Afrikan progress;
Global Afrikan defence etc

Afrikan Unity will give us one powerful currency;
One powerful Army;
The Global largest market in few years;
The opportunity to build Afrikan technology again
And other endless opportunities 
If only we can become United.

Do u wonder why Afrika is no where in world affairs today?
Why no Afrikan nation is powerful;
Why Afrikans can be treated anyway?
They are all because we have not yet united, no Afrikan state can rise alone no matter the leader.

Also Read: Facts about Afrika

Afrikan Unity is the only path back to Afrikan progress, Afrikan progress is a teamwork, it is a community effort; a mighty lever to lift all Afrikans up once again together permanently.

Let us therefore begin to workout Afrikan Unity by supporting the global unity of All Afrikans through organising ourselves at all levels; sensitising ourselves and supporting Afrikan leaders with the mission of Afrikan unity.

Afrika Unite!!!
Eze Chimere Nwauzo
Leader of Afrika Familia
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