

- July 04, 2016
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Africa has been broken into, broken down, raped, plundered, enslaved and left in ruins and pool of insults!!! Imagine giving African Presidents bribes to keep their people back - Africans admit Africa is in a state that is beyond human condition as the land has been plundered from inside out. Remedies are one: The emergence of A State of Biafra: Biafra will serve as a liberator of African states, "In Biafra, Africa died" Two: The United States of Africa so trade, security, wealth of Africa can be circulating among us. Then lastly: The need for a King of Africa: Having a President of Africa is not enough as the west will manipulate individuals before elections, but having The King of Africa will be near impossible to manipulate. The King of Africa will be the symbol of power and unity of Africa; He will DEFEND Africa from foreign incursions and neocolonialism. Check since 1,000 years and more the state of Africa how just a country like Britain could colonise half of Africa, now China is coming while Britain and France are still very much in charge, and US have their AfriCom as a colonial tool. The King of Africa prophesied but Marcus Garvey must liberate Africa and defend her henceforth - EzeSayz


The European Union (EU) has announced plans to spend 62 billion euros tackling mass immigration from North Africa, with officials admitting that migrant flows have “not decreased in comparison with last year”.

In a paper from the European Commission, the EU speaks of setting up migration “compacts” with certain African countries in order to control the number of migrants making their way across the Mediterranean.
Euractiv reports that nations including Mali, Nigeria and Sudan will be put in charge of filtering migrants before they get anywhere near Europe. In return, the EU will give them 62 billion euros worth of aid and development programmes.
EU leaders hope that the deal will reduce the number of migrants entering the continent after record levels of migration last year saw millions cross into Europe from the Middle East and northern Africa, creating a humanitarian and social crisis.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel has been widely criticised after effectively opening her country’s borders to the migrants, with critics arguing her decision encouraged many more to make the dangerous journey than would otherwise have been the case.
Germany alone saw well over a million new arrivals last year alone, an unprecedented number.
Breitbart London reported in Marchhow a potential 800,000 migrants are now residing in Libya, with officials in the war-torn country threatening to “open the floodgates” unless the EU provided more money.
Colonel Mohamed Bourgiba, head of the Gweea detention centre, which holds hundreds of migrants, said: “The state is very weak and there is no money. Most of us here aren’t even getting paid.” If things do not improve, he said: “We will just stop working and open the floodgates. Because at the moment we are doing all of this for nothing.”
A Nigerian man involved in people smuggling also commented: “The Libyans are ready to give up. So is Europe ready to take these people? While there is poverty and war in Africa, there are going to be people who want to get on those boats.”

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