

- July 20, 2016
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  • Ben Carson railed against the 'secular progressive agenda' in his speech at the Republican National Convention
  • Carson reminded the audience that Hillary Clinton has said that she's a Saul Alinsky fan who penned the book 'Rules for Radicals' 
  • In the acknowledgements Alinsky called Lucifer the original radical, something that Carson pointed out onstage
  • He then connected this thinking to Clinton suggesting that Alinsky was a dangerous role model for a future president of the United States
Retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson veered off his prepared remarks on tonight's Republican National Convention stage to link Democrat Hillary Clinton to liberal radical Saul Alinsky and link Alinsky to the devil. 
First, Carson noted that Alinsky was one of Clinton's heroes. 'This is someone that she greatly admired,' he said. 
Carson then pointed out that in Alinsky's 1971 book 'Rules for Radicals,' the writer acknowledged Lucifer on the tome's dedication page, calling the devil the original radical. 
Clinton, Carson reckoned, was guilty by association.  
'So are we willing to elect somebody for president who has, as their role model, somebody who acknowledges Lucifer?' Carson asked the crowd.
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Dr. Ben Carson went offscript at tonight's Republican National Convention linking Hillary Clinton to liberal Saul Alinsky and Alinsky to the devil
Dr. Ben Carson went offscript at tonight's Republican National Convention linking Hillary Clinton to liberal Saul Alinsky and Alinsky to the devil
While Dr. Ben Carson touted Donald Trump too - he spoke of his concerns about draining God out of political life, suggesting the almighty would stop blessing the country 
While Dr. Ben Carson touted Donald Trump too - he spoke of his concerns about draining God out of political life, suggesting the almighty would stop blessing the country 
Dr. Ben Carson left the presidential race in March at the Conservative Political Action Conference and endorsed Donald Trump a week later 
Dr. Ben Carson left the presidential race in March at the Conservative Political Action Conference and endorsed Donald Trump a week later 
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'Think about that,' the retired brain surgeon scoffed.  
Carson suggested that this kind of thinking was counter to the founders' thoughts. 
'This is a nation where our founding document, the Declaration of Independence, talks about certain inalienable rights that come from our creator,' Carson said. 
'This is a nation where our Pledge of Allegiance says, "we are one nation under God,"' he continued. 
'This is a nation, this is a nation where every coin in our pocket and every bill in our wallet says, "In God We Trust,"' Carson noted.    
The former presidential candidate than hammered the 'secular progressive agenda,' to which he believed Clinton was a part. 
'If we continue to allow them to take God out of our lives, God will remove himself from us, we will not be blessed and our nation will go down the tubes,' Carson warned. 
''We do not want that,' he added. 

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