

- July 24, 2016
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There was tension in Fatoki community in the Igando area of Lagos as suspected militants stormed the area.
The hoodlums stormed the community in the wee hours of yesterday and unleashed terror on the residents. The mili­tants were said to have attempted to abduct a wealthy man in the area but the man fortuitously escaped.
The militants were said to have started shooting sporadically at anyone they saw, and in the pro­cess shot a Police Inspec­tor and other people.
It was gathered that the community sent a distress call to the Police who stormed the place and engaged the militants in a gun battle that lasted for about two hours.
A police source told Sunday Sun that when the militants exhausted their bullets, they es­caped through Totowu Waterways, Ogun State and abandoned some of their guns.
A resident, Donald Asiedu said: “We have a vigilance group. We were at our duty posts when the militants stormed our community.
They had more supe­rior arms than us. We took to our heels. They were armed with GPMG (general purpose ma­chine gun, with ammuni­tion chains). They were shooting everywhere. I thank God that we were able to escape from the militants.
Asiedu said the mili­tant attempted to kidnap a businessman (names withheld), but the man escaped through the win­dow.
The Lagos State Police Public Relations Officer (PPRO) Dolapo Badmos confirmed the incident and said two persons in­cluding a Police Inspec­tor were shot.
Her words: “The Com­mand foiled an attempt by a group of militants that invaded Fatoki com­munity in Igando area of the state. The hood­lums stormed the place through the waterways, shooting sporadically.
“Police teams were promptly dispatched to the scene and engaged the militants in a gun bat­tle. The superior firepow­er of the police, forced the militants to abandon their mission and es­caped through Totowu Waterways.
“A civilian and a Po­lice Inspector were in­jured during the gun battle. I want members of the public to report to the nearest Police station, anyone seen with bul­let injuries as some of the hoodlums escaped with bullet injuries.
“The Commissioner of Police, Mr Fatai Owoseni, has advised the members of the public to always alert the police whenever they see suspicious people in the neighbourhood. This will enable the police to nip in the bud activities of criminals.”
As at press time, resi­dents of Fatoki were still living in fear of a possible reprisal attack by the mili­tants.
A resident, Banjo Oye­wole told Sunday Sun: “I am leaving the area right now. I am waiting for my wife to pick up her loads so that we relocate to Ipa­ja. If you heard the gun­shots, you wouldn’t wait for someone to advise you on what to do.
It was like a war situa­tion. I thought the com­munity had finished, I was surprised to hear that only six persons were shot. But I doubt it was only six per­sons that were shot.
“We need security in our waterways. The Police should not wait for them to attack, they should be pro­active.”
Courtesy: The Sun
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