

- July 24, 2016
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France is pleased: they slew the Lion of Libya, Mumar Gaddafi using NATO, since then the oil in Libya have been water for France, Libya has become a satellite state of France. When will Africans learn to differentiate between traitors and saviours? Gaddafi was a saviour, since his death Libya and Africa at large has known pains, but have they learnt their lessons? Free Africa from neocolonialism - Eze


Angry protests broke out in several Libyan cities on Friday to condemn the French intervention in the country. The protests were held in Tripoli, Misrata, Zawiya, Gharyan, Sabratha and Sabha.
The protesters burned the French flag and called for a strong action against France to punish it for its intervention in the internal affairs of Libya. There were also calls for cutting off gas supplies to Europe in response to this intervention.
The protesters expressed anger over the reaction of UN-installed government of Fayaz Sirraj and called it to step down.
"The people want to overthrow Sirraj," 
"go go go Sirraj,"
"Oh Sirraj you are a traitor," the protesters chanted.  
The protesters also vowed their support of Defend Benghazi Brigades in its fight against Dignity Operation.
In Tripoli, after marching in the city's main square, the protesters moved to the Foreign Ministry and stormed it. The protesters also besieged Abu Sittah Naval Base, but Fayaz Sirraj guards fired gunshot to disperse them.
In Misrata, the protesters sent a message to the French government in French language to deplore intervention. 
The Libyan expats in Geneva also held a protest to denounce French intervention.
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