

- July 08, 2016
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Hunger and Starvation Forces Bauchi citizens to attack State Governor

Bauchi state Governor Mohammed Abubakar’s convoy was on Wednesday attacked by hundreds of thugs who expressed frustration with the way he’s handing the affairs of the state, a report from Vanguard says.

The attack came after the governor left the Eid praying ground along Bakaro road in Bauchi metropolis. Bakaro is said to be a haven for political thugs.
Reports say the thugs laid ambush at the main roads where the governor was expected to pass, chanting slogans such as “Bamayi, meaning, we are not with you, “we don’t want you as governor.”
During the attack, several youths and women were seen openly castigating the governor for allegedly failing to address the plight of the people of the state.
The state press vehicle in the convoy was vandalized. Vanguard didn’t say if anyone was injured during the melee. It however said the youths were calmed by respected individuals.
There has been no official statement from the state government on the issue.

Read more http://spynigeria.com/2016/07/07/hunger-starvation-forces-bauchi-citizens-attack-state-governor/
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