
Prophetic: Ugly fate of Fulanis

- March 10, 2016
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By Rev. Desmond The souls of the innocent cry to the Creator for justice. The land is cursed and the visions of Don Fodio of his descendants being kicked out of his caliphate back in 1815 ( exactly 200yrs ago) are about to come to pass. Nijeriya expired in 2014. Exactly hundred years ago. This is why theFulani Arab were wary of the star of David on the 100 naira note.

Fulani satanic hegemony ended in 2015. Buhari has grand delusions of maintaining the evil satanic kabbah hegemony in Nigeria. Not only will he fail in his jihad quest to carve the Christian middle belt and SW kafuri lands but he will also be hated by his own Fulani kinsmen for their alienation. A spark of rage will lead to war and the Hunter Fulani will become prey over their former slaves in the Awusa north, middle belt and their slave colonies in Odua land. Niger Delta and Biafra will unite and from there will arise one who will drive the children of Cain back to their desolate deserts. Papa Legba has spoken Rev. Desmond Writes from Enugu
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