
ISIS carries out Good Friday crucifixion of Catholic priest Tom Uzhunnalil in Yemen

- March 29, 2016
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Father Tom Uzhunnalil was kidnapped by ISIS gunmen in Yemen Terrorist had previously threatened to crucify the Indian Catholic priest  Reportedly carried out the threat on Good Friday, Austrian Cardinal claims The Indian Catholic priest kidnapped by ISIS-linked terrorists in Yemen earlier this month was crucified on Good Friday, it has been claimed.Father Thomas Uzhunnalil, 56, was taken by Islamist gunmen, reportedly linked to ISIS, who attacked an old people's home in Aden, southern Yemen, killing at least 15 people, on March 4.The terrorists reportedly carried out the heinous murder on Good Friday, after threatening to do so earlier in the week, according to the Archbishop of Vienna+3Indian Catholic priest Father Tom Uzhunnalil was kidnapped by ISIS gunmen in Yemen three weeks ago and was reportedly crucified on Good FridayIt was reported last week that several religious groups had received threats that Father Thomas would be crucified on Good Friday, but this was denied by his church in hometown of Bangalore.However, the Archbishop of Vienna, Christoph Cardinal Schönborn, told a congregation gathered in St. Stephen's Cathedral in the Austrian capital that the priest had been crucified.It is not known how the Archbishop became aware of Father Thomas' alleged fate, but his confirmation of the crucifixion during Easter Vigil Mass was reported in Austrian media. A spokesperson for the cardinal today admitted that while he did say that the priest has been crucified, he has no confirmation of Father Thomas' fate. 'The cardinal based his statements on news published on Arabic language web sites. The validity of this information has, however, not been confirmed,' said Arhdiocese Vienna's head of media relations, Michael Prüller.
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