
We’ve supernatural powers to fight Boko Haram— Borno hunters

- March 28, 2016
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BornoState Chief Hunter, Mallam Maigana Maidurma, yesterday, renewed his appeal to the military to allow hunters in the state join the fight againstBoko Haramin Sambisa Forest. He said that the hunters were not afraid of any danger because most of them have supernatural powers, which will come in handy in the fight. Maidurma, who made the call in Maiduguri, said they were eager to join the fight, as they are familiar with the terrain at the terrorists’ Sambisa hideout. He said: “We are renewing our call on the military authorities to allow us join the search forBoko Haramelements in their Sambisa forest hideout. We are ready to pursue the terrorists because we know the terrain.” He faulted claims in some quarters that the military was cautious of allowing the hunters join the fight due to suspected landmine buried by the terrorists around their hideout. Maidurma said: “We know that it is true that theBoko Haramterrorists are in the habit of burying landmines to prevent encroachment into their hideout. But we believe that we can work in collaboration with local vigilantes, calledCivilian JTF, to overrun them. “Hunters from all 27 Borno local governments are all in Maiduguri with our leaders, doing nothing at present because ofBoko Haram. Rather than idling away, we will want to assist the military in crushingBoko Haramterrorists.” It will be recalled that the hunters had, last January, appealed to the military to allow them join theBoko Haramfight, without response.
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