
PUTIN’S COMING FOR REVENGE: ISIS claims responsibility for killing ten Russian soldiers in the Caucasus

- March 31, 2016
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The claim of responsibility read: “The Caliphate’s soldiers managed to explode two vehicles of the Russian army in Kaspiysk, eastern Dagestan, thereby killing ten soldiers.” ISIS claimed responsibility for the killing of ten Russian soldiers in two explosions that hit the town of Kaspiysk in the southern Russia republic of Dagestan Tuesday night. The claim of responsibility, released by ISIS’ province in the Caucasus, read: “The Caliphate’s soldiers managed to explode two vehicles of the Russian army in Kaspiysk, eastern Dagestan, thereby killing ten soldiers and injuring three others.” This is not the first lethal terror attack to hit the same Caucasus town. In November 1996, Chechen rebels blew down a nine-story house in Kaspiysk that was inhabited mainly by Russian border guards and air force pilots, killing 67 people. Another deadly blast took place in May 2002, when an explosion hit the main street of Kaspiysk during a parade for the 57th anniversary of the Russian Victory Day, killing 34 people. The port city might be a major target for ISIS fighters in the Caucasus because it hosts federal anti-terror units whose headquarters are located in a number of key coastal cities. On March 6, the Caucasus Province released its first video, urging Muslims in Russia to join ISIS fighters in the Caucasus in order to hit the "Russian apostates" and threatening to attack Russian President Vladimir Putin. http://www.jpost.com/Middle-East/ISIS-Threat/ISIS-claims-responsibility-for-killing-ten-Russian-soldiers-in-the-Caucasus-449690
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