
SHOCKER!!! I Have No Problems With Buhari’s Disobedience Of Court Orders -CJN

- March 29, 2016
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The Chief Justice of Nigeria, CJN, Justice Mahmud Mohammed, has said he had no problems with President Muhammadu Buhari or any agency of government over the non-compliance with court orders. A senior official close to the CJN told Vanguard: “ I don’t think that the CJN has issued any statement on any court order relating to the investigation of the arms cash, individuals or groups since he believes that the courts are well able to discharge their duties as enshrined in the laws of Nigeria. “Again, the thinking in the judiciary seems to be that some judges misused their offices to encourage some corrupt key government functionaries to slip away to foreign land with huge public funds under the guise of seeking avant-garde medicare. “If the question may be asked, was it the CJN that ordered those judges to work against the interest of Nigeria by granting frivolous orders that enabled corrupt Nigerian public officers to make away with public funds? “Let it be known that the CJN does not and will never encourage any form of misdeed having taken the oath of office to remain incorruptible, just and firm in the discharge of his duties to Nigeria and its people. “I can tell you that the CJN is aware of the frivolous orders being issued by some judges and he cannot, therefore, sympathise with people who threw their integrity to the winds when they should have done the right thing at the right time.” Mahmud Mohammed, CON, OFR (born 10 November 1946) is a Nigerian Jurist and incumbent Chief Justice of Nigeria. Justice Mohammed was born on November 10, 1946 in Jalingo, the capital of Taraba State, northeastern Nigeria. He obtained a Bachelor of Law degree at Ahmadu Bello University in 1970 and was called to the Nigerian bar, the same year he graduated from the Nigerian Law School he joined the services of the Ministries of Justice of the defunct North-eastern state as a barrister and in 1991, he became the acting Chief judge of Taraba State, the same year his appointment was confirmed as the Chief Judge of the state. In 2005, he was appointed to the bench of the Supreme Court of Nigeria as Justice.In November 2014, he was appointed as the Chief Justice of Nigeria to succeed Aloma Mariam Mukhtar, the first female Justice of Nigeria.Justice Mahmud Mohammed is currently the Chairman of the National Judicial Council.” By Kingsley Chimezie
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