
How To Tweet: Twitter Made Easy

- March 31, 2016
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By Eze Emma Nwauzo Welcome to Twitter, the second largest Social Media Platform after FaceBook with about 500 million active users, and about 100million daily users. Twitter is also the most effective and fastest information sharing platform ever, which gives you more direct contact with users, and at a record time. With its advantages, however, Twitter is not used as much as FaceBook because it looks cumbersome and requires some techniques, but it is also on twitter You touch can easily reach world influential men and women as about 83% of World Leaders are on Twitter (Incredible); you can also easily promote your products on Twitter. Getting Started On Twitter: First, go to twitter.com enter your phone number, which you will use to verify your account. Enter your real name, or the name of the company you want to use; make use of your real names so you can easily be searched and FOLLOWED, then choose a USER NAME. Your User NAME is your most important info on twitter. Your User NAME is where you have `@` prefixed. It looks some how like this ( @WhatEzeSays @putin @Mefonna). To have have an effective user name, let your User name be very similar to your name, and also let your User name be memorable and short, not more than 10 characters. E.g. My name is Eze Emmanuel Nwauzo, hence my user name is @ENWAUZO, Nnamdi Kanu`s user NAME is @NNAMDIKANU1. Create a simple and formal user name. Note: usernames are not sensitive to Capitalisation. The Importance Of User Name: Whenever you send out a public message (Tweet), your name and use name are also seen, hence if your username is memorable, other users can easily Tweet you (Send messages that you can see publicly). Also, having a short username makes it easier to put your User name in many tweets. Twitter doesn't allow Tweets more than 140 characters long, hence a short user name allows space for more. How To Tweet: #Fact out of about 1.3billion accounts on Twitter, only about 41% are have sent out tweets, and only about 35% are active. For you to tweet, go to the box at the top right of the screen where a pen is drawn, there, just type a message and click send, and that is it, you have tweeted. How To Follow People On Twitter: To be getting updates from people you know eg Donald Trump, Jim Iyke, even Organizations like AU, WHO, IPOB etc, scroll down, u will see where u can search for people etc, write the name of the organisation, or the twitter handle/Username eg If I want to tweet or be getting updates from Jim Iyke, I would go and search Jim Iyke, then I wd see results and see His name displayed, and his twitter handle, then I wd also see where I can click `Follow`, once I click `Follow`, whatever Jimmy writes to his `Followers` on Twitter I wd be seeing on my home page. If I want to tweet him, and his user name is @JimIykeOfficial, then I can click on tweet at the top right screen, type @JimIykeOfficial, then write the tweet. Eg If I want to tweet him I c`d just write @JimIykeOfficial a great actor and dresser; then I click `send`. He w`d see the message on his home page or his notification box, and c`d reply the tweet. And anyone who searches him, could also see that tweet, depending on when. This makes twitter faster and more effective than facebook. How To Gain More Twitter Followers: 1. Tweet Your Way To The Top: At the onset, u start with zero followers (friends For Facebook). To gain followers rapidly, tweet constantly, like 5otweets daily, and also RETWEET other Users Tweets, which is like `sharing` on FaceBook. 2. Tweet Trending Topics: Topics about #Kanu, #Biafra, #Putin, #Trump etc get a lot more RTFM (RETWEEtS) and likes than many other topics. To know the trending topics, look at the centre top of your screen, click The #/Trend button, and you will see the trending topics. 3. Hash tags: Use hash tags `#` to highlight your keywords and trend quickly. 4. Tweet Using `@` A Lot: Whenever I tweet, I usually send my tweets @amaka_Ekwo @radiobiafralive @realdonaldtrump @spacemankalu 5. Use `RT`: RT means Retweet, hence, attaching it prompts other users to retweet your tweet, which would make all their followers to see your tweet and possible also RT(ReTweet) 6. Tweet Relevance: Tweet useful tweets, and also provide links in your tweets. Like I link about 95% of my tweets to my blog: ezesays.blogspot.com which lands my followers to a haven of information. Go and do likewise. Need additional information? Contact me via email: nwauzo.eze@gmail.com or Via Twitter @ENWAUZO or Facebook Eze Nwauzo.

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