
The treachery of Middle Belt against #Biafra, and consequences

- March 09, 2016
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EMERGENCY: We the indigenous People Of Biafra IPOB must do everything to stop Muhammadu Buhari and Justice John Toezoh from carrying out their evil plots against Mazi NNAMDi KANU inside and outside court premises including inside detention prison. why? Please, read the following facts carefully and understand where we are heading to. (1) Justice John Tsoho is from the middle belt of Nigeria and he is a christian. (2) Theophilus Danjuma is from the middle belt in the zoo Nigeria a christian. (3) Gowin Darbo is from the middle belt of Nigeria a christian. (4) Yakubu Gowon is from the middle belt in the zoo Nigeria a christian. Mr. Yakubu Gowon remember him? he was appointed the head of state of Nigeria in 1967 before the Biafran war of self defense commenced, appointed by the then sultan of sokoto a Fulani muslim to head the onslaught against Biafrans, Gowon spearheaded the killing of 3.5million men, women and children in Biafraland, instructed the then finance minister African Adolf Hitler Obafemi Awolowo to give a peanut 20 pounds sterlings in form of cash to every Biafran no matter how much he/she had in bank account. He Gowon also robbed Biafrans of being part of indigenization of all industries shortly after the war knowing fully well that the easterners are disadvantaged because of cash. Theophilus Danjuma was the officer who killed his commander in chief General Thomas Umu Nnakwe Aguiyi Ironsi with the pedophile Muhammadu Buhari thing a rope round Ironsi's neck and dragged him in a military landrover jeep until he died. Theophilus Danjuma was the minister of defense under Olusegun Obasanjo, he as a minister, he ordered general Victor Malu to go down to Bayelsa and wipe out every crawling insects and flying birds in form of human in ODI. When the did was done, the then senate president Chiba Okadigbo on arrival at ODI said quite: THERE IS NO HUMAN TO TALK TO off quote. (3) Godwin Dabor. A notorious and treacherous criminal who was delegated by the hausa/Fulani Islamic zoo Nigeria to go to Ivory Coast and assassinate general Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu, he tried , nine consecutive times and nine times he failed only coming close to achieving his evil plots once. He is from the middle belt zoo Nigeria and a christian. (4) Justice John Tsoho the current judge presiding over the fantom, frivolous, baseless and inhuman cased leveled against innocent man Mazi Nnamdi Kanu. Tsoho is from the middle belt zoo Nigeria a christian and a willing tool in the hands of the Islamic hausa/Fulani government of the ZOO. BUHARI SOUGHT FOR SUCH A MAN THROUGHOUT NIGERIA ONLY TO GO BACK TO THEIR FISHING POND MIDDLE BELT TO FISH OUT justice Toezoh to do their dirty job. The middle belterns are paying the price of TGE atrocities against Biafrans, it is also well known facts that hausa/Fulani has unleashed Chadian mercenaries in TGE name of Fulani headsmen, the middle belterns are dying in hundreds of thousands and the killings is ongoing. WE MUST STOP BUHARI AND TSOZOH FOR THEIR EVIL PLOTS whether in the law court, field court or arrangee court CAN NEVER BE ALLOWED TO SUCCESSED Written by Benjamin Edited by Udeagha Obasi For Umuchukwu Writers
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