

- July 12, 2016
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Marvellöus Adesanya
The Igbos are very prestigious people, when I look at great Africans, I look up to the Igbos, in the Igbos I see the future of Africa...sadly they've been treated like rams in Nigeria. These people are very innovative, very creative, endowed with business ideas, they're kinda cocky though(no tribe is perfect) but their togetherness is what bewilders me most. The way they were able to stand together during the Civil War, manufacture their weapons and rocket says it all. Wherever you see an Igbo man, you know in his attitude, the way he talks, his looks, his confidence, he doesn't kiss people's asses, he stands out!
These people are capable of boosting the economy of Nigeria in if invested in but sadly, they're being slaughtered daily. 😢😢😢
...but they have the enduring fighting spirit, I've studied the ones I know personally and can boldly say it, it takes a shot to defeat a man, it takes 2 shots to defeat an Igbo man and guess what? They still stand up!
I see the future of Africa in the Igbos, Igbos are dope!
They were slaughtered like rams prior to the Civil war, they rose back! They were starved to death during the Civil war, guess what, they multiplied back! They are most times the victims but have never fallen for defeat. 
The Igbos will one day wave the Biafran flag and show the world, we Africans can put an end to White supremacy.
I see the future!
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