

- July 06, 2016
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Refugee France Calais Jungle Britain EU referendum politicsREUTERS
French politicians have threatened to allow thousands of migrants to cross the Channel
Emmanuel Macron, the economy minister, wants France to revoke the Touquet Treaty, which acts as a block on the Franco-English border in Calais.
A senior councillor in Calais, Xavier Bertrand, ranted that the treaty should be torn up, allowing France to send thousands of migrants intoBritain.
He said: “The English have reclaimed their liberty from Europe, let them reclaim their border. It’s as simple as that.”
When asked whether France should end attempts to prevent migrants from stowing away in lorries crossing the Channel, he said: “That’s an English problem.”
Refugee France Calais Jungle Britain EU referendum politicsGETTY
The Jungle is a squalid refugee camp in Calais, France
A number of senior French politicians have called for control of the migrant crisis to be handed solely to Britain after it voted to leave the EU.
There are growing tensions in France as some 4,500 migrants from Sudan, Eritrea, Afghanistan, Syria, Iran, Iraq fill the two refugee camps located near the Channel.
Francois Hollande visited Calais recently and promised to renegotiate the border arrangements before Bastille Day on July 14.
There is now mounting pressure on the French leader to renounce the Touquet treaty, which established the Franco-British border in Calais.
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