
‘Shut our borders’: Trump warns America ‘must be vigilant and smart’ and after Brussels terror attack as Obama remains silent

- March 22, 2016
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Donald Trump commented on the suicide bombings that occurred in Brussels Tuesday morning just hours after the brutal terror attacks. ‘Do you all remember how beautiful and safe a place Brussels was. Not anymore, it is from a different world! U.S. must be vigilant and smart!’ wrote the Republican front-runner on Twitter. Trump then said in an interview on Fox News the US needs to ‘shut the borders,’ a statement he repeated later in the morning while appearing on Today. In that appearance he also told Matt Lauer he is a firm believer in using torture to get information from people behind attacks like the one in Brussels, stating; ‘Waterboarding is fine.’ The series of bombings in the Belgian capital – which occurred at the American Airlines terminal in the city’s airport and a Metro station near the headquarters of the European Union – have claimed the lives of at least 28 individuals. Trump later called in to Fox & Friends to discuss what he would do as president if an attack like this ever happened on American soil. ‘Well I think I’ve said it. I would close up our borders until we figure out what is going on,’ said Trump. ‘Look at Brussels, look at Paris, look at so many cities that were great cities. Paris is almost as bad. Paris is no longer the City of Lights, Paris has a lot of problems. All you have to do is speak to the people who live there where the same thing has happened and they are in fear. The city is in fear. ‘And we have to be smart in the United States.’ He then began to speak about immigrants, saying that in the US we are currently ‘taking in people without any real documentation.’ Trump continued; ‘We don’t know where they’re from, who they are. They could be ISIS. They could be ISIS related. We just don’t learn.
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