
Russia tests HYPERSONIC cruise missiles which travel at SIX times the speed of sound

- March 20, 2016
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RUSSIA has test fired hypersonic Zircon cruise missiles capable of flying at astonishing speeds of more than 4,000 miles per hour. By TOM BATCHELOR The latest missiles will be rolled out in Russia’s fifth generation submarines. Final testing of the advanced rockets is being conducted with Russian’s defence ministry set to give the green light to the project soon. Defence experts say the weapon can reach speeds of between five and six times the speed of sound, meaning it could top 4,500mph. Russia‘s Husky-class nuclear submarines, which are still under development, will accommodate the new missiles. The latest tests took place at a land launch site although they will eventually be fired from submarines based at sea. RT reported Zircon will replace the P-800 Onyx and Kalibr NK missiles, which are supersonic anti-ship weapons that can cover distances of up to 2,500 miles.
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