
Read about this great man of prayer, a Rabbi

- March 20, 2016
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RABBINICAL DOME: Israeli Rabbi quietly prays near the Gaza border, and each time he does Hamas tunnels mysteriously collapse…the story that will blow your mind In the last two months, nine tunnels have collapsed, leading Hamas tunnel workers to refuse to even enter the tunnels…they are scared and they are openly admitting this. “This is already not a case of a string of circumstantial accidents,” students said to Charedi10. “Five times in a row he went out to pray for the tunnels to collapse, and each time, it happened.” The Rabbi went out to the fence to pray last Thursday morning, and by the afternoon, it was announced in the media that another tunnel had collapsed. This is creating so much buzz that EVEN the Palestinian Authority did a segment on the Rabbi, adding to the fear and mystery surrounding these tunnel collapses. Prayer has always been the real Iron Dome of the Jewish people!
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