#Ezesays“RADICALITY is not rascality, and never extremism, but rational responsibility.” The stereotype radical is lousy nonsensically, mischievous, pugnacious, uncouth, insulting etc. a paradigm which is understood but is a twisted fact. Fact is that the term “radical” which according to ‘The English dictionary’ or ‘Wiktionary’ means ‘favoring fundamental change, or change at the root of the matter”, denotes one who favours a lasting solution, in my own words. The above definitions are in contrast with societal view of radicality which is to be “extra violent”. My further definition of a fundamentalist is one who has love for - RIGHTEOUSNESS and therefore cannot tolerate the things which he believes are contrary to how it should be; HONESTY and TRUTHFULNESS one to accept the truth (that things need to change), decide to preach and live the truth and spread it against all odds; a radical is - DYNAMIC which helps him/her be flexible and strong like steel which can be flexible, while those that lack this quality are static and easily broken. Being dynamic makes radicals easy to without compromise, adapt to any new plan, new move: it gives durability; COURAGE is one of the traits of true radicals, the abundance of it is the abundance of water in a desert. Without courageous men, that society is bound to be destroyed, being not afraid to die, and total trust in GOD is the key here; next characteristic of activists is - KNOWLEDGEABILITY which is the beauty of Leadership before the followership, this makes the leader an oracle of GOD to glue the ears to; SACRIFICE IS THE SEAL OF VISIONS once applied enough the missions are unsealed to be fulfilled GRACES or CHARISMA gives the movement a unique dimension that separates it from everyone, attracting hearts in billions. These and many other qualities are at the disposal of radicals, and they are distinguished from men by virtue of them.
Eze Afrika