

- March 11, 2016
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So you've finally met the man or woman of your dreams;great conversation,great times,great.....Great Gosh!Praise the Lord!!! Suddenly his or her spouse is calling you, accusing you of trying to destroy their marriage,and your dreamboat sails out of your life just like that. Unfortunately, for one reason or another, married men and women do stray, and if you're not careful you could get caught in a very bad situation and never see it coming. HOW DO YOU KNOW IF YOUR LOVE INTEREST IS ALREADY TAKEN? STEPS/TIPS AND WARNINGS. 1. Don't become involved with men or women who you know are married. This should be obvious, but there are all kinds of ways for married people to explain their situation. For example, a man may tell you that he's separated from his wife , or a woman may say that divorce is almost final. Almost doesn't count. Inviting these people into your life is like inviting heartbreak and possibly bodily injury. "Beware,shine your eyes !". 2. Trust your instincts. If you have a feeling that something is wrong, don't ignore it. Where there is smoke, there is usually fire,check very well. 3. Watch for obvious signs. Ok the wedding ring should clear up your doubts right away. Assuming the person is smart enough to take his or her ring off, though, there may still be a tan line on the ring finger. What about the pictures of that woman in his wallet or the photo of that man on her desk? Obvious clues should raise legitimate concerns, and you should ask about them and maybe do some investigating. 4. Consider whether your meetings with the person are strange in anyway. If the person won't give you his or her phone number, but rather insists only on calling you, that should be a red light. The same can be said if they'll only give you their cell phone or work number. If your meetings always have to be prearranged and have strict time frames, that's another bad sign. When you go out,do you always have to go someplace faraway (another town or neighborhood , for example), or does the person always want to stay in? That should set off an alarm. Have you ever seen his or her house, or does the person always want to go to your house? Or his friends house? Do you even know where he or she lives? In a normal dating relationship, you shouldn't have these constraints, so if you do,there's probably something wrong. 5. Watch for strange behavior while on dates. If your date's cell phone rings at a restaurant, and he or she has to urgently flee your table to answer it, you may be tempted to wonder why. Give in to the temptation. It could be an important call, but then again, it could be his or her spouse! You also should think it strange if he or she sees someone and tries to avoid them. 6. Watch for his or her reaction when you talk about family or past relationships. Usually these things come up in the course of a conversation, but if you're suspicious, you may want to tactfully bring them up. If the person seems uncomfortable talking about such subjects, or if their body language indicates that they may be lying, your suspicions may be warranted.
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