You could be privileged to write,
or rather u have a dry pen:
Yet, let your life be a book, a message to read.
eyes are watching you,
beliefs can be reshaped by you, don't forever
be sharing blames, be the new model.
Bury envy, greed , pilfering and their likes,
silence gossip, colour your world with love,
don't destroy with your words.
Be responsible for one day,
be the change you want to see,
from today
so the shepherds admonish
so GOD's spirit presses in me steadfastly,
Let Compassion, contentment, truth,
sacrifice, humility flow from you,
GOD expressing to the world through you...
your life hence being a message
sent by GOD revealing his image.
At this point in time, the most important thing you would be remembered for is what u did today. As Fulani state-sponsored-terrorists are ranging, islam knocking, corruption multiplying with hypocrisy etc will u speak up, or will u be quiet, will u fold your arms, or pray and also fight for GOD's kingdom.
Your deeds are more important than your sermons; preach good and practice what you preach, live a life of always saying, live as truth, make your life a great sermon, a great message for generations evermore. #Ezesays
Eze Afrika