
(Rare): Ibo And Fulani Battles

- April 03, 2016
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In 1876, a large contingent of Marauding Fulani Islamist army followed by millions of cattle and their war horses attempted to penetrate the Igbo Hinterland through the plains of Idoma in present day Benue state of Nigeria. Their aim, the total annihilation of forceful Islamization of the Igbo Biafran people and the fulfilling of the age long prophesy of their Uthman dan Fodio to dip the Qua-ran into the Atlantic Ocean. Information got to the Biafra enclave of Igboland. Ekumeku warriors were sent to meet and stop their advance. Oral history has it that the Ekumeku warriors consulted the Oracle who promised them victory. A day to battle, a swarm of tse tse fly invaded the camp of the enemy and struck their cattle and horses. The marauding army was then attacked by camouflagedEkumeku warriors. Defeated then and chased them away from the plains of Idoma. That was the end of their then aim of conquering the Biafrans. And so it was till the coming of the colonial British conqueror led by the Royal Niger Company with their Hausa manned frontier force, armed with maxim gun that the brave Igbo Biafra Ekumeku warriors were defeated and routed. Paving the way for the Amalgamation of the then Northern and Southern protectorate forming this abominable Zoological republic of Nigeria. The issue of the 1st Biafran war is vivid on our minds. However, the onus here is thatthe marauding and conquering Fulani Islamic army now led by the blood shot eyed pedophile in chief Muhammed Buhari, in his inaugural speech promised to make Zoological Republic of Nigeria into the dream of their founding father Uthman dan Fodio. He has set loose a horde of genocidal Fulani army again in the name of herdersmen to conquer and Islamize the South for the final time. In their murderous zealousness, the have followed the pattern of old. Invading again through the plains of Idoma. Agatu massacre is still vivid on our eyes andyou know what, Agatu was along the ancient battle fields where Ekumeku warriors slew them and their cattles in their thousands. History they say is never merciful to a people who forgets their history. Biafrans from Agatu down to the people inhabiting the coast down to the Bright of Biafra, are we going to keep quiet and lay down our heads passively to these uncircumcised murderes to cut us off and enslave our womenfolk? Ofcourse never. Rally round Ekumeku and send these infidels already flying their caliphate flags on our lands ( Eg at Ohafia) parking. This is never time for the faint hearted. As Prince Nnamdi Kanu a prophet has said,resist them now or perish in your passiveness.
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