
A Response To: "...Ibos Vote Where Their Stomach Direct Them..." By Soyinka.

- April 07, 2016
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Wole Soyinka: "The Igbos are probably the only group of Nigerians that you can predict with great accuracy whom they will vote forin an election, because they tend to put their votes where their stomachs take them; suffering as it were, from incurable money-mindedness, as they would stop at nothing in their quest forpersonal financial gain.

Muhammadu Buhari was the better of the two evils as the incumbent president Goodluck Jonathan had been an unmitigated disaster and failure. It was a painful decision to tell people to vote Buhari, but the country needed a new beginning. I was more against Jonathan, than I was pro-Buhari.

“Nothing is more unworthy of leadership than to degrade a system by which one attains fulfillment, and this is what the nation witnessed time and time again under Jonathan, who was increasingly becoming intolerant of opposition in an escalating streak of impunity and authoritarian madness, which was most blatant and unquestionable ‘militricians’ – soldiers turned politicians in power – aren’t looking for excellence; their civilian cohorts are worse.

Short cuts and how to circumvent the system for the profit of a few are the norm of governance.Those who do honest work are deridedas lacking the skill to fit it.Ironically, things haven’t quite changed a bit after 16 years of democracy in the country.” he said


A year after, it has become self-evident the IBO's were right. How will Soyinka stand before the suffering Nigerians and defend his view that Buhari is "a new beginning" and "the better of the two evils".

If we may ask, is it buhari that has no certificate, that committed treason 1983, that laundered billions as minister of petroleum and as PTF chairman or is there another we were to consider?

Or is it the buhari that swore that the jihad by bokoharam would be successful, or the buhari that committed genocide against Biafrans?

Chukwu Okike sent us who to follow, which is neither Buhari nor Good luck, neither do we follow our stomach, but a star (Nazi KANU) was sent to us, and only him do we know .

The wise ones who are many among the Easterners were not and are not in confusion as to what we want: Biafra We want and Biafra We Must Have, let the Yoruba and Northerners keep doing their election "strategising", we are not interested in Nigerian dark positions, rather we want freedom to build a 1st World Biafran Nation. #EzeSayz

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