

- April 12, 2016
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In today’s world, we are living at a level of prosperity that the worlds before us could only dream of, yet we are not satisfied and we don’t look like we are ever going to be satisfied in the future. It is so because things, money ‘should’ buy, have also increased exponentially: mobile phones, I pads, nice shoes etc. but we forget that the effects of accumulation of wealth should not be personal alone, but altruistic ultimately.
The world today can also be accused of having among the highest level of corruption, deviations, violence and oppression of all time. It is so because there are trillionaires, billionaires, millionaires who have more than enough and are pouring their excess resources into the funding of terrorism, pornography, colonialism etc.
Terrorist groups like Boko haram, ISIS, Al-Shabab do not run on empty treasury; Napoleon Bonaparte said ‘an army marches on its stomach’, so who provides for the stomach of those terrorists?
On the other hand, we have people who are on the side of good, who want to institute good regimes, sanity, purity among youths, decency in dressing, pure sexual orientation, national freedom, justice for those murdered on earth, or at least in their little towns and villages, but have no resource to have their voices heard. Such persons usually fall victim to the allure of wealthy men who buy them off and corrupt their virtues.
Also, there are ‘good’ persons, who are wealthy enough to sponsor workers of righteousness in society, but they do not, but are concerned with owning one estate after the other, one private jet after having three etc.
I do not condemn enjoying material things, but, bear in mind that, "the main motive for affluence is righteousness; the main motive for wealth should be righteous works."
I hereby call on all righteous-hearted people to join hands with righteous influential people all over the world to ensure the increase in truth, justice, love, holiness and righteousness on earth by the grace of the Almighty God.
Yours Eze Emmanuel Nwauzo

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