

- April 11, 2016
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BIAFRA WRITERS: Good afternoon Sir, I am Chukwuemeka Chimerue, from Biafra Writers. Sir we want to ask you first, what was really the outcome of today’s court session?

EJIOFOR: Actually the matter came up today for the hearing of our application. For the stay of proceedings in this suit pending the resolution of our application at the Court of Appeal. And the application was heard and adjourned to the 26th of April for ruling.

And the court has addressed the issues we raised before the court on the reason why the court should stay this case and the issues we raised at the court of appeal are constitutional issues that borders on the rights of the accused person, which the court cannot proceed upon without the court of appeal being heard first to determine upon it.

BIAFRA WRITERS: Ok Sir. So the application, when will it be determined upon?

EJIOFOR: On the 26th of April. Remember we are going to the court of Appeal on the 25th of April for the hearing on the appeal against denial of bail. Then thereafter, we come back to this court on the 26th for the ruling on the application.

BIAFRA WRITERS: Was it only an application on the denial of bail …?

EJIOFOR: We have three appeals pending at the Court of Appeal. One on denial of bail. That one has been entered. The second is the issue of Passport they denied…the issue of British passport and Nigeria passport and the money. Then, too, against the order of this court, where this court varied its order., So we have three appeals pending at the court of appeal. But the one coming up on the 25th of April, 2016 is the one challenging the denial of bail to the defendant.

BIAFRA WRITERS: During the court proceedings, I overhead Barrister Chuks Muoma saying the 20 minutes allowed for his speech was not allowed, what really was the problem…?

EJIOFOR: Its open to the whole world that the judge is biased, that one is no longer in contest, because , the right on adumbration is a constitutional law provided under our procedural law and you overheard the lawyer reading that to the court. And it’s a mandatory right. By stopping him from adumbrating with the argument in the court means impeding on the defense counsel’s rights as governed by the rules of the court.

BIAFRA WRITERS: Sir it was reported that Nnamdi Kanu’s case was reported to the ECOWAS Court, what do you have to say on that? BIAFRA WRITERS: You recently wrote a letter, on the 21st of march, 2016 to the UK, can you throw more light on that Sir?

EJIOFOR: Em, speculations has gone round the whole places that Nnamdi Kanu is begging the UK government to intervene in his matter, no, no, that wasn’t the essence of the letter. We are merely reminding the British authority on their constitutional right, on the rights of Nnamdi Kanu as a citizen of UK, covered under the UK laws and conventions, ….so they are not living up to that expectation. That’s all we are not begging them.

BIAFRA WRITERS: So what was their reply regarding that?

EJIOFOR: We are still waiting for their formal communication to us. They are supposed to do a letter to us in that regard. Already before now, I have communicated with them on the phone, they have called me on the phone to say they are looking into the matter, that they are also involved in that matter. They are getting involved in the matter too.

BIAFRA WRITERS: Sir, do you actually believe Nnamdi Kanu begged the British for his release?

EJIOFOR: The letter speaks for itself. We never begged the British authority to get involved in the matter. As I earlier said we are reminding them of the constitutional right of Nnamdi Kanu as a British citizen, because he is a British citizen too. He has right, as provided under the laws and conventions. And that right must be protected.

He has privileges. We are calling them to get involved. We were not begging them. We are just reminding them. And especially, on the face of obvious manipulations and maneuverings going on in this court, there is the reason for the international and authority, to get involved and also know what is happening, because what is happening in the court is obvious to the whole world that the judge in particular is biased.

BIAFRA WRITERS: So what is going to happen if the Federal high court delivers a different judgement from that of the ECOWAS court?

EJIOFOR: The matter before The ECOWAS court is different matter aside from the matter before the private court. We will approach the ECOWAS court on the gross violation of Nnamdi Kanu’s constitutional rights as contained in the Nigeria constitution also under the African charter on People and Human Rights and International conventions which Nigeria is signatory to. To approach them and complain on the violation of that human right and also seek compensation to that effect.

BIAFRA WRITERS: Sir, what do you have to tell people of Biafra all over the world who are earnestly following and awaiting the outcome of the legal battle between Nigeria and Nnamd Kanu?

EJIOFOR: It is obvious to the entire world and Biafrans in particular that Nnamdi Kanu is being persecuted. And we believe in justice. We don’t believe in side talks. And we must get to the root of it. He will be judged based on the available facts before the court, not based on somebody’s opinion or speculations or mindset of anybody. The matter will be adjudged based on the facts and evidence and documents before the court. So am urging them to remain calm pending the determination of the entire process. EJIOFOR: Well in that regard, we have already filed an appeal against the ruling of the court before the court of appeal. Part of our reliefs as contained in the the court of appeal is to direct the Federal High court to transfer the matter to another court. You may not believe that the ruling delivered by this court since the 9th of February, 19th of February and 7th of March has not been made available to us. And that ruling is affecting the compilation of our presentation at the court of appeal. Just like what happened today at the court….. Up till now the ruling has not been made available to us.

BIAFRA WRITERS: And why was that so?

EJIOFOR: It’s for a reason best known to him. Constitutionally, the accused person is entitled only 7days to have the copy of the ruling by the court he is complaining on.

BIAFRA WRITERS: So if the judge goes against the rule, the order of the court, what is going to be your next line of action. Since he has not made the ruling of the court available to you, how are you going to appeal for it?

EJIOFOR: NO! He has no option than to make the ruling available to us. Its part of our complaint before the court of appeal. He must make the ruling available to us, he delivered the ruling in the open court, he must make the ruling available to us, its our constitutional right. He can’t deny us such right.

BIAFRA WRITERS: Thanks Sir for your time. That will be all. Transcribed By Ikechukwu Nwaorisa Correspondents: Ucheagu Chukwuemeka Chimerue and Anyikwa Kelechi Cynthia FOR BIAFRA WRITERS

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