
Why Drinking Water First Thing After Waking, Has Huge Health Benefits

- April 05, 2016
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“Did You Know…that drinking water in the morning immediately upon waking up can have amazing therapeutic effects for a multitude of health conditions—ranging from pain to asthma to cancer?” This remarkable water therapy originates from ancient Ayurvedic medicine. The Sages of India termed thistherapy, Usha Paana Chikitsa, which from the Sanskrit, roughly translates to, “early morning water treatment.”It has long been known that drinking water first thing in the morning on anempty stomach purifies the body’s internal system. An especially important result of this treatment is that it cleanses the colon, which makes the body much more able to absorb nutrients from food.More recently in the 1970’s, now famous, Dr. Fereydoon Batmanghelidj,re-discovered this ancient knowledge and found through his own research,that water can naturally heal us from diseases likehigh blood pressure, arthritis, asthma, autoimmune disorders, diabetes and migraines using what he calls: water therapy. Born in Iran in 1931, Dr. Batmanghelidj, graduated from St. Mary’sHospital Medical School of London University, where he studied under Nobel Prize winner, Sir Alexander Fleming.He eventually returned to Iran where he was imprisoned in 1979 as a political prisoner for over 2 1/2 years at the infamous Evin Prison. While there, he discoveredthe healing powers of water and successfully treated 3,000 fellow inmates suffering from stress-induced peptic ulcer disease using simply water. He reported his findings in theJournalof Clinical Gastroenterologyin June 1983 and the New York TimesScience Watch, in turn, reported his discovery on June 21, 1983. In 1982, Dr. Batmanghelidjescaped from Iran and came to America and began to research the effect of chronic unintentional dehydration on the human body and he continued to publish his groundbreaking data in 1991 and 1992. According to Dr. Batmanghelidj, the body’s natural thirst signals are often mistaken for signs and symptoms of other illnesses. Over our lifespan we gradually become chronically dehydrated. If we treat this root problem, we maybe able to avoid unnecessary and invasive procedures and medications.The water treatment method is as follows:1. Right after waking up inthe morning, drink about (1) 8oz glass of fluoride-free water. If you’re drinking water from a faucet, chances are it’s inevitable. Other options are distilled water (make sure to add minerals back into the water, including some baking soda for alkalinity) and reverse osmosis. You must do this upon waking and on an ‘empty stomach.’2. Do not eat or drinking for 45 minutes after drinking the water. After 45 minutes has gone by, you’re free to eat and drink as you please.3. Drink a cup of water half 1/2 hour before meals. Drink again 2 hours after each meal.4. Feel your health start toimprove.According to the Japanese Medical Society, this treatment would take 10 days to treat constipation, 10 days to treat some gastricissues, and 30 days to treat high blood pressure.Here are a few hard facts about the benefits of water to help motivate youto drink at least a 8oz glass first thing in the morning:1.It jump starts up your metabolism. Drinking at least one large glass of water first thing in the morning, has been shown to rev up your metabolismby a whopping 24% for 90 minutes.2.You’re dehydrated when you wake up!After 7-8 hours of sleep, chances are, you wake up dehydrated in the morning. Drinking water, helps make new muscle and blood cells, and can increase the flow of oxygen, all of which are energizing.3.Water helps your body flush out toxins. “Your kidneys do an amazing job of cleansing and ridding your body of toxins as long as your intake of fluids is adequate”, according to Kenneth Ellner, an Atlanta-based dermatologist. Getting fluids into your body right after your wakeup will help your body flush out toxins first thing in the morning.” Flushing out the toxins and impurities is even easier when you add fresh lemon more http://www.healthiestuniverse.com/why-drinking-water-first-thing-after-waking-has-huge-health-benefits/
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