
Tsoho The UnJust Judge Driven By Hatred Against Biafrans

- April 06, 2016
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By Xylem ChukwukaFor Biafra Choice WritersThis article is an eye opener for the world to understand that Nigeria is a failed state that ought not to have existedin the first place. It is indeed a contraption that does not respect its own constitution and laws, and therefore, ought not to exist or be referred to as a"country.

"John Tsoho, the judge handling the case against Nnamdi Kanu, Leader of Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB), is a perfect case study and a typicalexample of what Nigeria has finally become, a failed state.Today (yesterday) April 5, 2016, Nnamdi Kanu, whois also the Directorof Radio Biafra, was brought to court at Abuja High Court, to answer to trumpedup charges of treasonable felony brought against him by Nigerian Department of State Security Services (DSS). Instructively, the charge sheet has been changed up to three times since October last year when they abducted Kanu.

When Tsoho arrived at exactly 10:10am and climbed the bench,he proceeded to read out the names of the 3 accused persons, after which Som Labaran introduce himself as representative of Nigerian government. After him, Barrister Chuka Muoma, who was appearing for the defendant with his learned legal team,did his own introduction. It wasat this point that Nnamdi Kanu arrived the court with his colleagues. That was at about 10: 14am.Muoma raised a motion for proceeding which was filed on the 7th of March 2016.<\p>

Muoma on raising the motion told the court that the applicants will rely on the facts contained in the filed application for their defence. He went further to tell the court that the letter attached to the affidavit wasexhibit MD3, and that the defendants would also rely on all the positions in the said affidavit and the two written addresses that was in pursuant of the affidavit. He further informed the court of the second written address attached to the application that was dated March 2, 2016.It was at this point that the failed characters of Nigeria Judicial system became apparent as Justice Tsoho openly displayed his hatred for Kanuand others.First, Tsoho intercepted Barrister Muoma saying the time allowed for him to make his presentation had elapsed, but the Barrister quickly reminded him that he was given 20 minutes which hadnot elapsed. But Tsoho would not have any more of it as he stopped him from continuing with his presentation.At this point, the prosecutor representing the FG stood up, and asked the judge to disregard the application submitted by the defendant as he described it as"bias." shortly after that, Muoma rose up and reacted to the prosecuting counsel's plea. He cited adjunction of the right of appeal as stated in section 241 sub Sections 2 of the Nigerian constitution adding that the lawis not hypocritical. Muoma who stoodup to react to the counsel's plea, toldthe court that his reacting in court is an act of appeal provided by section 241 sub section (1) of the Nigerian Constitution, which he quoted:"decision in any civil or criminal proceedings on questions as to whether any of the provision of chapter IV of this constitution has been, is being or is likely to be, contravened in relation to any person."

He said however that the law was not hypocritical.Barrister Chuka Muoma, proved that the law quotedby the prosecution was unconstitutional, and therefore null and void. Feeling defeated and disgraced, added to his hatred and contempt for Nnamdi Kanu, which he could no longer hide, Tsoho adjourned the caseto Tuesday 26th April 2016.<\p>

When Biafra Telegraph enquired of Biafrans what they made of Tsoho’s actions in court, they said they were well aware that the intention was to frustrate Biafrans and make them lose hope. But a great numberof them said it would not happen. They said they were ready to take everything Buhari and his evil government will throw at them, and still win in the end. They said justice, equity and truth are on their side.<\p

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