
The difference between fighting corruption in South Africa and deceiving Nigerians in Nigeria!

- April 04, 2016
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ZUMASouth Africa’s constitutional court ordered President Jacob Zuma to pay back some of the $16 million of state money spent upgrading his private home, a stinging rebuke that hits the scandal-plaguedleader financially and politically.The unanimous ruling by the 11-judge court, a central pillar of the democracy established at the end of apartheid, said Zuma had failed to “uphold, defend and respect” the constitution by ignoring the Public Protector’s findings on his sprawling rural residence at Nkandla in KwaZulu-Natal.In 2014, the constitutionally mandated anti-corruptionwatchdog identified a swimming pool, cattle enclosure, chicken run, amphitheatre and visitor centre as non-security items that Zuma must pay for.Chief Justice Mogoeng Mogoeng gave the Treasury60 days in which to determine their “reasonable cost”, after which Zuma would have a further 45 days to pay.Court ordered a serving President to pay back to thestate, but in Nigeria they will arrest one escape goat and start by parading him to confuse some gullible Nigeria and turn their attention away from governance.Today, Obasanjo is still enjoying his multi billion mansion, build with Nigeria money (the proceed of our national cake)http://www.stabroeknews.com/2016/news/world/03/31/south-africas-top-court-orders-zuma-reimburse-state/It was the same Atiku and APC Chieftains who connived with South Africa's corrupt counterpart (Zuma) to sabotage Nigeria government with black market arms deal during Jonathan administration."South Africa’s president, Jacob Zuma, and Atiku Abubakar share things in common."http://www.thescoopng.com/south-africas-president-jacob-zuma-and-atiku-abubakar-share-things-in-common-photo/_____________________________________________________Obasanjo and AtikuCorruption scandals broke out under Olusegun Obasanjo's presidency, including one of international dimension when his Vice President was caught in cahoot with US Congressman with cold hard cash (literally) in freezers. In addition to this, the KBR and Siemens bribery scandals broke out under his administration,which was serially investigated by the FBI and led to various international indictment that indicated high-level corruption in his administration.According to reports,[30] "while Nigeria dithered, the United States Department of Justice had on January 18, 2012 announced that a Japanese construction firm, Marubeni Corporation, agreed to pay a $54.6 millioncriminal penalty for allegedly bribing officials of the Nigerian government to facilitate the award of the$6 billion Liquefied Natural Gas contract in Bonny, Nigeria to a multinational consortium, TSKJ". It involved the payment of bribes to Nigerian government officials between 1995 and 2004, in violation of the United States Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.Some other acts of corruption tied to Olusegun Obasanjo included the Transcorp shares scandal that violated the code of conduct standards for public officers, and the presidential library donations at the eve of his exit from power that pressured associates to donate. Obasanjo was also said to widely facilitate his failed campaign to alter the constitution to get a third term by actively bribing the legislature, further deepening corruption at the highest levels.Today Obasanjo and Atiku are members of APC andBuhari corruption fighters don't know their names orwhether they are existing.https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corruption_in_Nigeria_____________________________________________________I was watching where Obasanjo told a journalist thatAtiku cannot travel to the United States because he is corrupt. When the journalist accused Obasanjo of being corrupt, got angry and he claimed that it was his vice who is corrupt and not him (Obasanjo), Obasanjo admitted to Steve that Atiku was corrupt, but today, Buhari's corruption fighters don't know hisname or whether he (Atiku) exist.http://youtu.be/--x5GQNbWH8"Why Buhari sends Atiku to Zuma to lobby for Adesina for AfDB presidency"Read more at:http://www.vanguardngr.com/2015/05/buhari-sends-atiku-to-zuma-to-lobby-for-adesina-for-afdb-presidency/_____________________________________________________The confusion in APC cannot allow them to focus on Governance, the earlier Nigerians know that nothing is coming out from this administration,the better for them.APC is now divided into two faction:“The party is now divided into two. The issue of the Senate president is still there and the party is not talking. So, there is crisis in the party. We have so much divisions and they are keeping quiet. If care isnot taking, we are soon going to lose our popularity as a party.” Deputy National Publicity Secretary APCRead more at:http://www.vanguardngr.com/2016/04/apc-now-two-factions-timi-frank/Meanwhile, the National Secretary of the party, Mai Mala Buni, dismissed the claim about division in theparty, saying: “The bogus and misleading allegations are unnecessary distractions to the party’s resolve to fully support the President Muhammadu Buhari administration deliver on the motley promises made by our great party to the electorate.”Now, if a deputy national publicity secretary of APC and the national secretary of APC are saying two different things isn't that a division on its own?The truth is that APC is lies, deceit, and lies, deceit is APC. Simon Ekpa
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