
‘refugees’ face MASS EXPULSION, as European ships get ready to take them back to Turkey

- April 03, 2016
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As Europe ships Syrians to Turkey, Turkey begins its own mass expulsion ofrefugees.Amnesty International accused Turkey on Friday of illegally forcing groups of Syrians to return to their conflict-torn country,saying the alleged expulsions showed the “fatal flaws” in a migrantdeal agreed with the EU.The claim by Amnesty comes just days before Turkey is due to start taking back migrants expelled from the EU under an accord reached last month.The rights group said its research in the south of Turkey suggested the country was forcing around a hundred Syrians to return home on a daily basis. Turkey — which hastaken in 2.7 million Syrian refugees since the conflict began in 2011 — has always vehemently denied that any Syrian is forced to go home and insists its “open door” policy remains in place.The government has yet to comment on the latest accusations from Amnesty.“Turkish authorities have been rounding up and expelling groups of around 100 Syrian men, women and children to Syria on a near-daily basissince mid-January,” Amnesty said.Greece is due on Monday to start sending back to Turkey all migrants, including Syrians, who crossed the Aegean Sea illegally.EU leaders hope the deal will curb the influx of migrants that has plungedEurope into its biggest refugee crisis since the end of World War II.But Amnesty said its revelations showed Turkey was not a “safe country” for refugees.Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu on Thursday confirmed that under the scheme one Syrian refugee would be settled in Europe legally in return for every Syrian migrant JewsNews
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