
Arresting Jonathan is joke taken too far - PDP group

- April 05, 2016
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pressure group in the People’s Demo­cratic Party (PDP), PDP National Rebirth Movement has reacted to newspaper reports that the Economic and Finan­cial Crimes Commission (EFCC) is set to arrest for­mer President Goodluck Jonathan, describing it as a joke taken too far.The group in a statement signed by the National President, Fortune Oya­dongha, urged the present administration to tackle the problems facing the coun­try.According to the state­ment, “Is it Jonathan that is responsible for the violence arising from Bayelsa and Rivers elections? Is it Jona­than that is responsiblefor the crash of the naira? Is it Jonathan that is responsible for Nigerians sleeping in the petroleum station al­most one year afterhe left the villa? Is it Jonathan that is responsiblefor the failure of Buhari to tackle the Lassa fever disease ravaging some partsof the country? Is it Jonathan that is enthroning tribalism and sectionalism inpolitical appointments?“President Buhari should face the problems of Nige­ria with all sincerity. People are dying of hunger. We have a president that is junketing round the world while his house is on fire.”The group called on the president to first arrest prominent leaders of the ruling All Progressive Con­gress (APC).“We have been vindi­cated byRotimi Jacobs who said that discharging Bola Tinubu by the Code of Conduct Tribunal (CCT) was an error.“We are waiting for the government to re arraign Tinubu to prove if the war against corruption is fake or not”, the statement add­ed. Authority Ngr
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