

- August 23, 2016
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I can’t complain about homeschooling for any reason. I plan on homeschooling my son who is almost two right now. Once he is old enough, schooling will begin (although children are never too young to learn). My neighbor homeschools his son, and once his daughter is old enough, she will be homeschooled as well, although she goes to daycare currently. His reasoning for homeschooling is that when his six-year-old son was in traditional school, he was treated differently and subject to scrutiny because he allegedly he had a learning disability. However, nowadays, he is excelling at his schoolwork.
This is a scene that is becoming more and more common around the nation. Children are being homeschooled for various reasons, one of them being the perception of racism in the classroom. According to Michigan Radio, homeschooling is becoming a fast growing form of education with approximately 2 million students being homeschooled. The Kirksey family, with whom Emanuel chatted, have a schedule that includes, among other things, yoga, poetry, reading, math, field trips, and experiments. This pretty much mimics that of traditional school, except that the education is focused on one person, and at home.
The Kirksey family also has the same beliefs and realizations that my neighbor stated. In both situations, the majority-white teachers were treating the black students differently, and appeared to be not as “nice” and caring as they were to their white counterparts.
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