

- August 18, 2016
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Muma Gaddafi the liberal man of Libya
This speech was also cut from Gaddafi's UN general assembly speech 2009 which the UN removed from their website.

As regards Africa, Dr. (inaudible), if you want to reform  whether they reform the United Nations or not, and even before you take any historic decisions or vote against Africa, a need is now for now a permanent member seat in the Security Council because this is (inaudible). Even if we are not talking about the United Nations reform, Africa was colonized, was isolated, was persecuted, was usurped (ph), was treated like animals, was treated like slaves, was treated colonies, was colonized, was put under the trusteeship.
These countries, the African Union deserves a permanent seat for the pastIt's an outstanding bill to be paid, like (inaudible). And it has nothing to do with the United Nation reforms. This is a priority and high on the agenda for the General Assembly, and no one can say that the African Union does not deserve a permanent seat.
Who has the argument? Anyone can talk to me even right now or argue with me. Any proof that the African Union does not deserve a permanent seat or that the African continent does not deserve a permanent seat. No one can argue, or no one can refute what I am saying.
It is also for voting for the General Assembly for compensation to countries who were colonized.And why? So that no more repetition of colonizations and no more usurpation and stealing of the wealth of the people.

And why the Africans should go to Europe? 
Why do Africans go to Europe? 
Why do Asians go to Europe? 
Why do Latin American people go to Europe? 
Because Europe was colonized by they took the mines (ph), the wealth, all the resources of Africa, of Asia, of Latin America. And they took all the oil, the fruit, the vegetables and the stock and the people, and they used them.
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Now, the new generation, the African generations whether it is Asian, whether it is Latin America or it is in Africa, now they are looking for these ones which have been usurped and stolen. Now, when I stop one African (inaudible) going to Europe (inaudible), I told them where are you going? They told me, I'm going to take my usurped wealth. If you bring my reserved wealth, then I don't go. I stop.
Who can bring back the wealth that was taken to me? 
Make a decision to bring all these resources and wealth so that no more immigration from thePhilippines to Latin America, to Mauritius, to India
Let us have the wealth that was taken from us and looted from us. Africa deserves compensation  trillion $7.7, $7.77 trillion.
That's the compensation Africa deserves from the countries who colonized Africa.
Africa will call for that.
And if you donte give us this amount, 7.77, the Africans will go to where you have taken these trillions. They have the right. They have to follow.Bring the money back.
No Libyan immigration to Italy, even though Libya's so (inaudible). Why there is no Libyan immigration to Italy? Because Italy (inaudible) compensation for the Libyan people (inaudible) and accepted the compensations and signed the (inaudible), a treaty, an agreement with the Italian with Libyan, and it was endorsed by the Italian parliament, and accepted that the colonization was wrong, and we should not be repeated again.
And Italy would not accept to be attacked whether by air, sea against the Libyan people and thatLibya will be compensated for the next 20 years, will be paid a quarter of billions and Italy will build hospitals for the Libyans who are lost their members of their hands or their fingers because of the mines during the Second World War when the mines were laid upon the Libyan land.
Italy made apology and was sorry and said that it will never be a country will occupy other country, the territories of other countries. And it was  Italy when it was a kingdom and it was Italy during the fascist regime. And Italy has done a glorified thing and a civilized thing and should be commended during the Berlusconi and even the predecessor to Berlusconi did their own contribution until we achieved this result.
The Third World calls for compensation, why? So that we don't have any more colonizations, so we don't have a repeat of colonizations. And so that no country will be big and will covet (ph) to colonize another country. So that this country will know that there will be compensation, and will not go on (inaudible). Colonization should be eliminated, and countries should pay compensations who have done damage to the peoples during the colonization area, and they should be compensated for the damage and the suffering that they have inflicted during their colonial power.

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