

- August 18, 2016
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Muma Gadafi
This is a cut from the speech by President Muma Gadafi  before UN general assembly 2009. He highlited the use of UN organs as colonial tools against 3rd world nations.

 We know that now ignoring the resolutions of the Security Council is now  though it is injustice, and it is only used against us. It is not used against the big countries who have the permanent seats or those countries who have the right of veto. They never use any resolution against them. In the countries, it is used against us.
So, any resolutions taken against us, it has become a travesty of the United Nations, and it has become wars and violations of independent states authorities (ph) and committing war crimes and genocides. And these are all in violation of the Security Council, even though there is a Security Council, and nobody cares about the Security Council and even though now each now, each country has each (inaudible) community have become security councils, establishing its own security councils and with the security councils in its own formation.
Now it has the Security Council (inaudible) has become isolated. The African Union has already established MASS (ph), which is the peace and security for Africa, and the European Union has already established the security council. The (inaudible) already establishing its own security councils. America will have its own concerns, non-alignment (ph). One hundred twenty countries will have its own peace and security council.
This means that we have already lost the trust in the Security Council, which have not provided us with security. And now that's why we are creating regional peace securities or regional security councils. We are not committed to obey the rules or the resolutions of the security councils in this formation because it is undemocratic, unjust, andno one can force us to be a member of the security councils and to obey or adhere to resolutions or all of this given by Security Council in its composition as it is right now.
Now, brothers, there is no respect to the United Nations. No regard to the General Assembly, which constitutes (ph) actually the real substantive(inaudible), and which  it has no decisions that is abiding. 

THE International Court of Justice, it is a judicial international body, and resolutions only implemented against the small countries, the small nations. And big countries are rejected to be implemented against the big countries. There are resolutions or court orders taken against these big countries, but they have been refused to be implemented against them.

 The the IAEA (ph), an important one in the United Nations, are not big countries are not responsible for it, or are not under control. And we have discovered that this is only used against us.It is a (inaudible) against us. 
You told us, this is an international one, so if it is an international one, then all the countries of the world should be under jurisdictions of this one.  If it's not international, then we close the door and arrive from this now, from this speech, we shall close the door, and we should not accept it.
And adopt a (inaudible) president of the General Assembly. He will talk to the director of the Baradei (ph) or the (inaudible). They will ask him, do you inspect the nuclear supplies of all? Do you supervise the increase of this nuclear storage?Then if he says, yes, then OK, then we accept that we'll be under control. But if he says that we cannot go to these countries who have the nuclear powers, and I cannot have any jurisdiction, then we should close the door, and we not accept it to be under its control.
For your information, I told Baradei when we had the problem (inaudible) nuclear bomb, and predecessor, I called them and I told them, Mr. Baradei, the agreements to increase to decrease the nuclear supplies between the superpowers, is it under control? Is there any provisions that if it's in a country increased its nuclear heads, are you aware of that? He said to me, no. These big powers I cannot go so close to it. I cannot ask them. I cannot....  so, you are only coming to us???
I said that this is not an international organization.So, it is meant only for us. Security Council  against us. International  IAEA against us. International Court of Justice against us. And they (world powers) are free. This is not justice. This is not United Nations. This is rejected totally.

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